Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1595: I am waiting for you to go to hell.

Chapter 1595 I am waiting for you to go to hell.

Two days have elapsed since the beginning of the cloud. The beginning of the cloud has already cleared the emperor and other people and those who are secretly guarded. It’s just that the gang’s array of eyes has never known where it is.

At the beginning of the cloud, he bit his teeth. It seems that the breakthrough is on the Chu Yu. He is a pro-disciple of Qin Yixiao. He must know the place where he is. I have to find a way to control him.

When I was working late that evening, Yunchu had found an introduction to the outside of the yard where Chu was holding her. Although I was not sure if Chu Yu lived here, it might be rewarding.

At the beginning of the cloud, he walked around the yard for a few laps. He did not wait until Chu Yu, and Yun Yun turned his eyes and threw his veil on the ground, then returned to the dormitory.

Lan Xiang sees the beginning of the cloud, naturally it is cold words, the cloud is as always, when she is a dog barking, the face is not moving, but my heart is planning the next step.

Unexpectedly, after half an hour, someone directly broke into the house, it was Chu!

Chu Yu mouth with a sneer, stepped forward and grabbed the arm of the cloud: "Dawn, I didn't expect you to play with me for the tricks? Follow me!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I struggled a few times, and then I was taken away by Chu. Lan Xiang took a sip on the ground: "False, sorrow, man!"

Chu Yu took the cloud to the courtyard directly. After entering, he immediately took the cloud to the bed and took out a veil from the storage ring: What is outside the yard?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he lowered his head slightly. Some shyly said: "I, I want to understand, you are much better than that of Yin Xuecheng. I, I would rather follow you."

Chu Yu first glimpsed, and then laughed wildly: "Dawn Xiao Xiao Xiao, I did not expect you to finally yield! I thought that at the beginning, I am so pleased, you do not care. But for a North did not meet the emperor Heart, oh, know the singer of the sister, you dare to like the emperor, you are really looking for death!

Now that you have been ruined and broken, I think of me. Hey, I tell you, you are just a plaything, just obedient, I can't help you, if you play with me, I kill you! ”

"Yes, I, I must be waiting for you." Special, I am waiting for you to go to hell!

Chu Yu is very proud: "It's fun! Tell me the truth, I will be flying soon, maybe it will not help you to restore your appearance. It all depends on your performance."

"Chu Yu brother, then, then, me, let's rest!"

Chu Yu smirked and undressed, when he was halfway off, suddenly it was a glimpse, and then there were several purple small needles hit him. With the bursting sound, Chu screamed again and again.

This Chu Yu is also considered to be self-contained. He is afraid that the voice of the beginning of the cloud will attract other people, so he opened the isolation matrix, but it just helped the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I have to ask where the eye is. The purple needle is not the key, so even though the blood of the scorpion is dripping, it is not lost.

At the beginning of the cloud, the spiritual power of Chu Yu was banned, and then he was **** with a rope. The cloud sneered with a big kitchen knife and sneered again and again: "I want to take advantage of the aunt's cheap? Really looking for death! Let's talk, you belong to the Yuanzong Guardian Where is the big array of eyes?"

(End of this chapter)

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