Chapter 1615 is a good one.

"Pharaoh, I have the ancient murderous beast and the strange remnant in my hand? Do you not touch your eyes? In case I accidentally turned these two into my soul beast, you 岂Don't you kill me more? You don't send Tianlei to yell at me?" Yun said at the beginning.

The hustle and the singularity inside the ancient jade bottle was forced!

Awkward thoughts: rely on! This **** stinky head, is she crazy? If you come to the thunder, I can't live without her, don't want to live!

The strange idea: God! This little fairy is really bad! I really like it, don't want it, if you can die with her, it is good!

Not to mention, the cloud 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 玖 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云 云

In fact, now she has not used it too much. After all, her current metamorphosis is well known, and it is not bad. This is not afraid of Thunder, but this shop thinks that her yard will be thundered by her. Have to clean up, or let the Tianlei 劈 甫 甫 old man's yard!

At the beginning of the cloud, he ran to the courtyard of the imperial court, and the dean of the emperor had already waited in the yard. When he saw the sky suddenly dark, he guessed that the 80% small metamorphosis had to be broken.

The emperor's dean was lighted up and opened the isolation line. He took out a chair and sat in the corner. He also took out a lot of sweet potato and threw it to the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, the eyes twitched a bit, and dare to really treat her as a baked potato?

The students of Tianyuan College are also used to it. It is sure that the beginning of the cloud is going to be paralyzed. Only the new-born first-year freshmen have a slap in the face, how suddenly this day is dull?

The dark clouds began to gather at the top of the courtyard of the imperial court, and the huge pressure made people breathless. The face of the cloud was full of smiles, hahaha, it’s so good, and finally thunder. !


A purple thunder with an arm thickness smashed toward the beginning of the cloud!

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t wait to absorb this Thunder into the body, and then said to the sky: "Small clouds, fast, another 10,000 Thunder, let me know!"

The dark clouds in the sky are helpless. Who does not know that this metamorphosis will not die at all? Even if it is very embarrassing, she will go to the trial tower to escape, it is just mad!

But they didn't dare not come, so they had to go down the steps!

After a while, I saw another ugly bird with a black autumn, and a small mushroom, and all of them enjoyed a look.

The dark clouds are almost mad!

The bird has seen it before, how can there be a metamorphosis of a small mushroom?

Sure enough, what kind of master has what kind of spiritual pet and demon plant!

The imperial dean of the corner waiting for the roasting of the sweet potato is also a slap in the face, and the little mushroom is not afraid of the thunder? Small metamorphosis is really abnormal!

The thunder continued for five hours, from the afternoon until late at night, those students who were on the side of the crowd yawned and left, only Feng Ming and others were still waiting in the distance, although knowing that the cloud will not be a problem, But I still see her safe and sound.

Finally, the thunder began to become sparse, and the clouds flew out of the pit at the beginning, and waved their paws against the dark clouds in the sky: "Oh, it’s good, next time you fight for more!"

(End of this chapter)

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