Chapter 1616 Acidy

The sky is full of black clouds, and the ripples are gone!

I have already been accepted into the spirits of the beast bag and waited for a long time. There is nothing unusual. They are not the soul beasts of the cloud, and naturally they cannot know the situation outside. The two are wondering, is it heaven? Ray did not come at all? Otherwise how could nothing happen?

After the cloud was smashed for a long time, it was also hungry enough, so he took out a chair from the storage ring and sat across from the emperor's dean, one by one, and gorged on the roasting potatoes.

The dean of the Emperor Huangfu frowned. "Small nine-headed girl, how do I see the mark of the Yuan Yuanzong on this chair?"

"I took it with you! Dean, you guess what is my current level of spiritual power?" The beginning of the cloud began to shift the topic, the heart said, Emma, ​​this broken chair actually has a mark, almost Dew stuffing, next time she has to pay attention.

The dean of Huangfu was obviously distracted. He did not know the breakthrough of the dark punctuation in the early days of the cloud. However, he felt that the cloud was definitely hiding his strength, so he coddled and guessed: "Lingsheng Eight Layers ?"

At the beginning of the cloud, a small white tooth was extended and **** were extended.

The baked sweet potato in the hand of the emperor’s dean fell to the ground: “Ling, spirituality, second floor?”

At the beginning of the cloud, Xiaoxiao nodded. "If it weren’t for the **** thunder, I might have to raise another layer."

There are only two words left in the head of the imperial court: the metamorphosis!

At the beginning of the cloud, I smashed a few baked sweet potatoes and clap my hands: "The dean, I went back, I wish you a good night's sleep!"

For a long time, Dean Huangfu was slowed down, looking at a few deep pits in the yard, shaking his head and smiling. This day, Lei Linggen really was a metamorphosis. Two years later, he broke through from the Lingzong layer to the Lingzun II. Layer, this speed is simply unheard of!

Respecting and infinitely few masters are enough to be amazing. I didn’t expect this cloud to be even better. The Tianyuan mainland has not been flying to a higher level for a long time. Perhaps these three people can soar...

The mood at the beginning of the cloud was quite good, and I returned to the dormitory in the crowd of Fengming and others.

This product is no longer the night, and the newsletter will send a message to the emperor: "Dear male god, tell you a good news, I broke through to the second floor of the spirit! In a few days, the trick You can go back to the Qing Xuan mainland, and you will visit relatives!"

Not a little while, the voices trembled, and the clouds were curled up at the beginning of the mouth. The second-time male friend was the cutest!

"Xiaojiu, I also have a good news to tell you that my spiritual power has finally broken through." There was a thrilling voice from the emperor.

"What is your current spiritual level?" Yun Yun asked, unable to wait.

"The spirit is eight layers." There is a hint of excitement in the voice of Emperor Beibei. He has been in the seven layers of Lingzun for two years, and this time he finally broke through.

The first words of the cloud are slightly sour: "Congratulations for you! Maybe you will soon fly up!"

Where can you understand the feeling of sourness in the beginning of the cloud, and smiled and replied: "I hope so, I can only protect you better if I change stronger, and I can help you find a solution to a more advanced continent." The weird way."

At the beginning of the cloud, I heard the Emperor Beibei say so, my heart was so bad that I lost it. Fortunately, Xiaobai’s face is still conscience. However, if he first rises, what should she do?

(End of this chapter)

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