Chapter 1633 She cheated

Although the Netherwind Blade has some dirt on the outside, the speed is still very fast, and soon the cloud has arrived at the place where it was registered.

This is not the highest level of the beast, the cloud is not worried about being stolen, so I found a tree, took a small donkey and went to the crowd waiting for registration.

The registration site can be described as a sea of ​​people. After all, the saint of the Nether Temple is quite sacred. Being a saint is a step in the sky, and it can bring great benefits to the family, so almost all the girls who meet the conditions come. Sign up.

Although there are many people, there are a lot of disciples who are responsible for accepting the registration, so the speed is OK. At the beginning of the cloud, a team is randomly selected to stand in the end.

The registration is obviously an initial screening. Some ordinary applicants are rejected directly. The cloud can't help but be grateful. Fortunately, I have modified it, or it is really easy to report.

After more than half an hour, it was finally the turn of the cloud.

The disciples who were responsible for the registration looked at the beginning of the cloud and felt that the appearance was good. This was handed to the cloud for a form: "Fill this form and receive the registration card."

When Yunchu was filling out the form, he heard someone exclaimed: "It's you! How did you look like?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked up and said that it was Jin Zhi.

Jin Zhi has already signed the name, but a few of them plan to see if there are any targets that pose a threat to them. Someone has discovered the beginning of the cloud.

"Look, the long one is not bad, the clothes on the body are also on the grade, I don't know what the background is." A girl pointed at the cloud.

So, Jin Zhi curiously walked to the side of the cloud, and wanted to see how her registration form was filled in. When I saw the three words of Lin Chuchu at the beginning, it suddenly exploded!

Yunchu didn't take care of her, and the slow-filled form was handed over to the responsible disciple. The disciple just had to hand over the jade card to the cloud, and Jin Zhi said loudly: "This ugly blame is cheating! She was not long at all. This way!"

The golden branch suddenly attracted the attention of many people. The disciple who was responsible for issuing the jade card was a frown: "This lady, what do you mean by this?"

Jin Zhiyi looked at the cloud and glanced at it. Then he said: "The original appearance of this forest was not good at the beginning of the forest. I don't know what means to use it. It is cheating! She should cancel her selection qualification."

The disciple carefully looked at the appearance of the cloud, and said inexplicably: "The lady's appearance is not wrong."

"Hey! You let her wash her face and naturally see her original appearance. An ugly ugly is still a sacred heir, it is simply delusional!" Jin Zhiyi thought of yesterday's more than 500,000 pieces of Netherstone. I just hated the beginning of the cloud.

Yunchu faintly smiled at the disciple: "This management, there may be no rubbing gouache in the registration rules?"

The disciple was called a manager by the beginning of the cloud, and his heart was very ironed. Then he compared the golden bangs to the high-spirited look. He was biased towards the beginning of the cloud and replied: "There is no such thing, the girl rubs some rouge gouache. Very normal? This is your jade card, please take it, the next one!"

Yunchu’s first hand took over the registration jade card that the disciple handed over, and he was ready to leave after thanking him. I didn't expect Jin Jin to rush, and a pot of water from the storage ring poured into the cloud.

Jin Zhixin said, ugly, I will let you be the original!

(End of this chapter)

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