Chapter 1634 First Round Test

Unexpectedly, there was a paper umbrella in the hands of Yunchu, and there was nothing in the beginning of the cloud.

However, the water was splashed everywhere, and some splashed on some applicants.

Those people have been dressed up very carefully. Although it is not a big deal to be splashed with some water drops, they are naturally unhappy. They all say: "Really! Some people are idle, just like she did not. Dressing up, I think she is the beauty of the girl."

"That is, the disciples who are responsible for signing up have not said anything. When she owes a child to her child, she goes to find a donkey. At first glance, it is nothing to look for."

"Hey! I whisper, the woman I know, I heard that it is the granddaughter of the Jin family, not what we can provoke."

"No wonder this is overbearing. It turned out to be a background. The girl is really unlucky, and she doesn't know how to offend her?"


Jin Zhiqi's face turned red, this idiot, even turned to this ugly, and said that even this ugly ugly is now far worse than her, how could she marry her?

At the beginning of the cloud, he looked at Jin Zhi with a smile and smiled. He turned and went out.

Jin Zhiqi's awkwardness, I do not know why, there is a kind of hunch in Jinzhi's heart, this forest will become her obstacle at the beginning of the forest.

However, she thought in her heart, ugly, even if you reported the name, what? Just now, I saw that you are writing an orphan girl. Do you want a poor ghost like you to fight with me? It is a dream.

When Jin Zhi was thinking about it, he saw a small donkey on the first stage of the cloud and left with a small donkey. He suddenly laughed out loud. It was really a country, and it was a ride, so the poor ghost was not afraid.

Two days later, the first round of testing began.

At the beginning of the cloud, this time, instead of riding a donkey, he hired a carriage and swayed to the Nether Temple.

The girls who participated in the selection of the successor of the Virgin were divided into ten groups. The first sight of the cloud glanced at it, and Jin Zhi and others did not have a group with themselves, which also saved a lot of trouble.

The group of Yunchu was brought to a room, and they brought in a maid. The maid looked at them and said, "You are waiting here and will test you later."

At the beginning, everyone still waited patiently, but after a full hour, there was no ghost shadow. Everyone had no heart.

"What happened? Is it that we are hanging here and nobody cares?"

"Yeah, or do you forget our group at all?"

"It's too much. Maybe other teams have finished testing. We are really unlucky!"


As time goes on, more and more people are talking. Many people talked about each other in twos and threes. Some people simply went straight to the door to look around.

After another hour, more people were unable to hold their breath, not just whispered, but complained louder and louder. At this moment, they saw a middle-aged female manager coming in, followed by two A maid, including the maid who brought them in.

When the girls saw someone coming in, they immediately resumed their manners, and said that they finally started testing. It was a waste of time!

One of the maids took out a list and read: "Yu Shujing, Shen Zimo, Li Wei, Ning Xiner, Lin Chuchu... In the late night, the above 20 people passed the first round of tests, and the rest were eliminated!"

(End of this chapter)

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