Chapter 1655 Announcement Results

At the beginning of the cloud, I just read a few pages of words, and there was a voice coming out of the crowd to make everyone gather. The cloud picked up an eyebrow and the good news came!

The three people in the late night of the ink could not be so optimistic, and she was out of the house.

After the crowd lined up, Zhao Wei glanced at the crowd and then slowly said: "The second round of the promotion is Shen Zimo, Li Wei, Ning Xiner and Liu Qiuyue of the Jinzhi Group."

The four people in the Jinzhi group suddenly showed their smug expressions. The people above were not fools. The people of the group of the earth wanted to be cheap. It was ridiculous.

Although the three people in the late night did not have much hope in their hearts, but I heard Zhao Wei say so, my heart was still a little disappointed.

At this moment, Zhao Wei went on to say: "In addition to the four people in the Jinzhi group, the late night of the Tuzhi group, Lu Qin, Lin Chuchu and Zhou Yinghan were taken care of by the spirit of the Nether, so the above decided to make an exception. Let you also enter the third round of testing."

Everyone was shocked, and even the group of the earth passed. Is this the way to go to the dog, oh, and Yun? It’s so lucky to burst!

The three nights of the ink were first seen, then the expression of ecstasy, they actually passed the second round of testing?

Although the first thing in the cloud did not have any fluctuations in my heart, I still learned the smirk of the face of the three people in the late evening, so as not to reveal the stuffing.

"You eight people come with me! Like frost, wishful, immediately send the rest of the people out of the Nether Temple." Zhao said to the crowd.

Although the girls were very disappointed, there was no way to watch the Jinzhi and Tuzhi groups and Zhao Zhao left the yard.

At the beginning of the cloud, they followed Zhao Zhao’s seven turns and went to a large courtyard. There were already dozens of girls waiting inside. They saw that Zhao Wei had brought eight people in, and he could not help but wonder.

Doesn't it mean that only one group wins in each big group? How can there be eight people in this big group?

Zhao Wei let Yunchu and others stand in the team and then turned out of the yard.

The girls had the lessons of the first round of testing, and no one dared to talk casually, for fear that this was part of the third round of testing.

A moment later, five people came in from outside the yard, headed by a middle-aged woman, followed by four maids.

The middle-aged woman saw the crowd standing very neatly, with a hint of satisfaction: "It is a winner who wins one of the best. Congratulations on passing the second round of tests."

The girls saw the middle-aged woman so gentle, and couldn’t help but feel a little loose. It seems that this is not very strict.

Unexpectedly, the face of a middle-aged woman suddenly became condensed: "However, you should not think that you have passed the second round of tests and everything is fine. Only three of your forty-four people can be personally selected by the saint. Qualification, so the real test has just begun!

Starting from tomorrow, every two days will be assessed once, and the last five will be directly eliminated. Therefore, if you are slightly slack, you will be eliminated and give me the spirit! Ten days later, the remaining people conducted the third round of assessment.

By the way, you call me Zheng Hao. The four maids are listening to Mei, listening to Lan, listening to bamboo and listening to chrysanthemum. They are responsible for handling your daily affairs. Now they are dissolved and will be assembled on time tomorrow. ”

After Zheng Zheng left, the maid named Ming Mei said faintly: "As originally planned, you only have 40 people to win, so only ten rooms are prepared here. But now you have forty-four people, there are four Individuals can only sleep next to the small partial room, give you a quarter of an hour to discuss, you decide who lives in that small partial room?"

(End of this chapter)

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