Chapter 1656 Small partial housing

Listening to Mei’s voice just fell, Shen Zimo said loudly: “There were four of us who won the big group, but when they were testing in the early days of Lin, the value was only eight hundred, but because the display was broken, they They are cheeky and say that they are the first place, and this is the only thing that has been promoted to the face, so they should be allowed to go to that small room."

The three people of Ning Xiner also joined in and added the vinegar to the matter.

After listening to Shen Zi's four people, Jin Zhi said, "I was still wondering how the waste in the early days of Lin had passed the second round of testing. It turned out to be a dog, a donkey, and a pass! The skin is really thick. Ah, since the name you passed is not right, you should live in a small room."

Some people also followed: "Yes, you can live in a small partial room is not bad, if the people of the Nether Temple are reasonable, you have already been eliminated."

"Yes, anyway, you will be eliminated four days after tomorrow, just staying for two nights, you will live in a small room!"


The three people were very angry at night, but the four of them are now isolated and do not give them a chance to speak.

A quarter of an hour soon arrived, and everyone said to the listener: "In the early days of Lin, they voluntarily went to the small room!"

Listening to Mei Mu’s whole process, I naturally know that they are not voluntary at first glance, but this has something to do with her, so she said faintly: “In this case, you will live in a small room in the early days of Lin’s early days. Okay, Disbanded."

After listening to the four people left, Yun sighed and sighed: "Hey! I live in a small partial room and I am a small room. I originally wanted to choose the few light-filled dormitory rooms. It seems that there is no chance, nor Knowing who can live in those few places, it is estimated that Shen Zi Mo and Jin Zhi them, after all, their background is very powerful."

Some people listened to the words of the beginning of the cloud, their eyes flashed a few times, although the remaining ten quarters are much better than the small partial rooms, but there are good and bad points, how is this distributed?

The alliance that the people just formed suddenly fell apart, and it was impossible to make a noise for those good hostels.

At the beginning of the cloud, I screamed, noisy, noisy, and it’s good to fight! At the beginning of the cloud, they gave their eyes to the late night, and the four people walked toward the small partial house.

Qing Yan stared at the back of Yun’s back and flashed a deep thought. This Lin’s early words were deliberately said. The mind is really deep enough.

Zhou Yinghan opened the door of the small partial house, not to mention the bed inside, there is no place to go to the foot, it is full of debris, and it is full of dust.

"Rely! Is this the place where people live? There are no beds, how do you live?" Zhou Yinghan said dissatisfied.

At the beginning of the cloud, he didn’t take it easy: “Do it yourself, it’s good to eat, and it’s good to pack it up! In the evening, you go to find them, and they want four beds for them, they will definitely give them.”

After listening to the late night, the ink nodded and went to find Mei.

At the beginning of the cloud, the three people began to clean up the sundries. The cloud first smashed the goods, and these ruins disappeared into the place, and she was included in the storage ring.

The dust inside the house is also easy to handle. The dust is cleaned up after several cleaning operations.

At the beginning of the cloud, they packed up, and the ink came back late at night. Listening to Mei did not bother her, she gave her four beds directly.

The four people laid the bed, and everyone looked at the new and small house. They couldn't help but smile. In fact, many times, things are not so bad. As long as you face it positively, everything will become beautiful.

(End of this chapter)

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