Chapter 1666 is really a good girl.

When the cloud was finished, he covered his face with his sleeves and his shoulders shook slightly.

You Chi thinks that the beginning of the cloud must be crying because of guilt and sadness. I can't help but blame myself for being narrow-minded: "You don't have to be sad at the beginning, and there is still a half-day, we still have time."

"Really? You didn't lie to me? Can I really pass?" Yunchu took the sleeves down, and the eyes were red.

"I can definitely pass! Let's start practicing!" Seiyun saw the expression of the cloud's first surprise, and suddenly felt the burden on his shoulders was very heavy.

Seiyun thought that Yunchu’s first time could play the Huangquan swordsmanship. Although the speed is slow, it is still accurate, and there must be no problem today.

Unexpectedly, the beginning of the cloud dropped out of school. At noon, although the sword can be played again, there are often a few moves in the middle that are wrong. How to correct it can not be remembered.

The eye of the cloud suddenly became red: "Let, I know that you have tried your best, I am too stupid! I will be eliminated when I am eliminated. You should not be too self-blaming."

Quietly puzzled and asked: "At the beginning of the young, you can learn Huang Quan swordsmanship, and the immigration is not bad, why can't this school learn?"

"This, in fact, I can only learn more quickly by looking at the full set of demos, but I don't want to toss you anymore. Forget it, I passed two rounds of testing, I am very satisfied, and I will eliminate it. Let's get rid of it!" Yunchu said, making a strong statement.

A glimpse of the glory, I can't say what it is. I thought that the first lady was thinking for him, so I would rather risk being eliminated and not let him give a full demonstration. He thought she was a vicious person. It turned out that her heart was so kind. He wanted to join other people to knock her out. He was really not a human!

"Miss at the beginning, you can rest assured that you will not be eliminated. When you test, you will try your best!" Seiichi bit his teeth and said.

"I know, you are comforting me, thank you. After dinner, you are going to eat, I, I will not eat!" Yunchu said, and ran back to the dormitory.

Gucci automatically understands that the young lady must have felt that she was eliminated in the afternoon, so she didn't want to eat even lunch. He must help her.

Quiet frowned and went to the guards.

"People, please, when the afternoon test, regardless of the performance of Lin early, must let her pass." Seichi said to the guards.

The guards looked at the glory with a slap in the face. Was this singularity mad at the beginning of the forest?

"Let, what do you say? We are not saying that we should eliminate the early forest?"

"That is, that Lin was so vicious at the beginning of the forest, and it was abolished by you. You still let her pass, do you have a bag in your head?"

"Let, is that Lin threatening you at the beginning of the forest?"


Youchao smiled and said: "I missed her, she is a kind and good girl. She is an orphan..."

The singer said the words that Yunchu said at the beginning and added his own understanding. The one that said was called a touching lung, and many of the guards said that they were red eyes.

"Ah, it turned out to be like this! I was still wondering, this forest is not stupid at the beginning of the forest, so what good can she have to toss you? It turns out that she really can learn the swordsmanship, and in order not to let you suffer, I would rather Being eliminated is really a good girl." A guard said with exclamation.

(End of this chapter)

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