Chapter 1667 is a sickness in the world

"Oh, we are also orphans. They are all bitters that are connected with each other. Compared with those who are ladies, I would rather be an orphan girl like Lin early, to at least help us to speak."

"Let's go, this busy we helped, no matter what the swordsmanship of Lin early was so bad, we will let her pass!" Everyone expressed their attitude.

Gloomy grateful arched hands for everyone, and then began to have lunch.

What I don't know is that the cloud is smashing from the cracks of the door, and seeing the glory to the crowd, the goods hit a ring and get it!

Oops, this little white lotus is not so good, but this man, really no resistance to Xiao Bailian!

At the late night, the three people came back to dinner and wondered: "In the beginning, why didn't you go to the dinner? You don't know, the maid specially prepared a lot of meals, you didn't go to dinner. She has a lot of food left."

"Ah, that's a pity! But I counted it this morning. I shouldn't be too greedy today, so I decided to eat some stock." Yun said with a smile.

In the late night, the three people licked their mouths and believed that you had a ghost! This is not necessarily a ghost idea!

There are some foods in the storage ring of the first cloud, and naturally it is not hungry for her. This food has to be eaten and thought. It is better to have nothing to prepare. When I have dinner, I must make more.

In the afternoon, the sword test began.

The people in front still passed all the way, and finally everyone's eyes gathered on the cloud.

Jin Zhi and others thought that if Lin slowed down at the beginning of the first year, they would protest and would not believe that Zheng Zheng would still protect her.

Zheng Xin’s heart is also somewhat unsatisfactory. This forest was lucky enough to pass the day before the beginning of the day. If it is still the rhetoric, I am afraid it is difficult to convince the public. It is really impossible, and she can only be eliminated.

"In the early days of Lin, out!"

The beginning of the cloud came out of the team and called out the sword to dance. The first few tricks were good, and looked like a decent, but after ten strokes, they began to make frequent mistakes, and finally finished the game.

Jin Zhi and others are overjoyed, haha, this forest must be eliminated this time! Those guards had concerns yesterday, but today they have no worries. No one will raise their hands.

Zheng Zheng gestured to the guards to raise their hands and voted. She sighed in her heart. The swordsmanship at the beginning of Lin’s early days was really bad. Those guards had resentful of her tossing and swaying. This must be eliminated in the early days of Lin. This forest is also a dead one at the beginning of the year. What are you doing to toss the guards? !

In the late night, the three urgent rushes on the forehead were cold sweats. At the beginning, at the beginning, how did you so smart people do such a stupid thing? You didn't learn to talk to you. Even if we didn't sleep last night, we would teach you. Now it's good, things are a foregone conclusion. We can't help even if we want to help!

Everyone turned their eyes to the forty-four guards. The heart said that no one would raise their hands. Unless they are blind, they will feel that the sword is qualified.

Then, they saw someone raising their right hand, and raising their hands turned out to be a glory? !

by! Is this chia sick? At the beginning of Lin, he had tossed him for half a life. Did he let the cloud pass?

When everyone was looking at the face, they saw the rest of the guards also raised their right hands...

There is also a chapter, still in the code, the code is finished.

(End of this chapter)

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