Chapter 1670 Shura

The four people laughed a little, and the cloud said seriously: "I just said that it is true. In this day and a half, you and your bodyguards are comrades-in-arms. Only by gaining the trust of the other party or inspiring each other to win. Desire, you can spur the strongest fighting power."

If the three people think about it late in the evening, the cloud will not say more. After the washing is finished, the beautiful cockroach will read the book in bed.

The next morning, Yunchu was once again unwilling to get rid of the bed.

"In the beginning, you are right, I will find a way to win the trust and support of the ecstasy. You are right, no matter what is going on outside, I entered the Shura array and I was a comrade who fought side by side." Said firmly in the evening.

"I will also communicate with the secluded." Lu Qin attached.

Zhou Yinghan also said: "Rely, okay, then I will talk to you again. If he is not willing to help me, I will use the radical method."

At the beginning of the cloud, I slap a slap: "That's right! Unite everything that can be united, there is no eternal enemy, only eternal interests, as long as your goals are the same, you are temporary friends!"

In the late night, the three people were stunned by the beginning of the cloud. There were so many fallacies in the beginning, although it sounded like nonsense, it would be quite reasonable to think carefully.

Four people had breakfast and came to the yard. Jin Zhi saw the beginning of the cloud and immediately scorned: "In the early days of Lin, although you passed the sword test, but this time you have no good luck in the Shura array. You are waiting to be eliminated!"

At the beginning of the cloud, Xiaoxiao said: "Golden branch, it seems that I have to declare one thing!"

The golden branch frowned. "What?"

"I liked men in the early days of Lin, and you just deliberately attracted my attention. I won't like you anymore, so if you don't have anything in the future, there is nothing wrong with me."

"You! You..." Jin Zhi never encountered such a brazen man, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

At the beginning of the cloud, he looked at Shen Zimo next to Jin Zhi: "Yes, there are you, I will not like you, so you will be farther away from me in the future."

"In the beginning of the forest, you don't want to face! We will like you? We hope that you will be eliminated, you don't have to swear, you will wait to be eliminated!" Shen Zimo said with anger.

At the beginning of the cloud, she didn't take care of her and stood in the team.

Soon, the guards and Zheng Zheng were there, and everyone followed Zheng Xiao out of the yard.

After walking for a while, the talents came to a desolate place, and the ground was full of wild grass, which seemed to have been abandoned for many years.

At the beginning of the cloud, I can't help but frown. How can there be such a place in the Temple of the Nether? Generally not all are forbidden places to look like this? A small test will come to the forbidden place?

When Yunchu was wondering, Zheng Yu took out a jade card in his hand. After the seal was printed, a beam of light was shot inside the jade card, and a round table was raised under the ground.

"You will stand on the round table in turn and will be transferred to the Shura array." Zheng Zheng pointed to the round table.

At the beginning of the cloud, I said a little bit of meaning. Isn’t it so desolate that it’s a bit of a sinister atmosphere?

Jin Zhi and a guard were the first to go to the round table, and they disappeared in an instant, apparently being transmitted to the Shura array.

(End of this chapter)

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