Chapter 1671 is a good sad reminder

Then, the rest of the girls and the guards set foot on the round table and were transferred to the Shura array, leaving only the Yunchu and the Chi.

"You also hurry up!" Zheng said.

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded, and the two players boarded the round table.

When Zheng Zheng was planning to leave, he found something wrong. How are the two people on the round table still there? Why didn't you be sent to Xiu Luo?

Is it a problem with the transmission?

No, the forty-three pairs have been successfully transmitted before. How can this pair not work in the early days of Lin? Maybe the reaction is a bit slow? Wait a minute!

A quarter of an hour later, two people stood on the round table.

Half an hour passed and the two were still on the round table, but one of the goods was already sitting on the ground.

One hour passed, two people were still on the round table, and one of the goods had been lying there to bask in the sun!

Zheng Hao had to shout: "You come down first, I am going to find someone to come and see."

"Zheng Zheng, don't be so troublesome. Since we haven't been sent in, it means that God doesn't want us to be sinned. You just let us pass it." Yunchu started to smile and said.

"This, I still report it to the above, let the above decide, you should come down first..."

Zheng Yu’s voice did not fall, and the dazzling light on the round table. When Zheng Zheng resumed his sight, the figures on the round table were gone.

Zheng Zheng was shocked. Before the people were sent, the light was not so dazzling. How could the first rays of the early stage of Lin be so dazzling, what would be wrong? Fortunately, this early forest was an orphan, and even if there was any accident, there would be no trouble.

At this point, the beginning of the cloud, the heart is like a dog, especially what, is definitely a ghost of heaven or something, or else when the hair is biased to her problem?

She is also, go ahead and say those words, it must be that when she heard her words, she felt that she was cheaper, so she changed her mind, so she and she will get into this ghost place!

At the beginning of the cloud, Yunchi was in a swamp. Two people were sinking quickly. The mud had reached the chest and the part of the two. In less than a quarter of an hour, the two people would completely fall into the swamp.

Seki once wanted to fly out, but the discovery of sad reminder, a little harder will sink more quickly.

The singer called out the sword, wanted to smash the sword, and then let the sword bring himself to the air. I didn't expect the sword to fly a few feet high from the swamp, and it fell into the mud. I wanted to fly here.

Can it be so dead?

There is a hunch in the beginning of the cloud. Even if it is dead and live again, two people will still be in this situation. What is special, that thing is simply damaged!

However, want to kill her like this? dream!

At the beginning of the cloud, two large planks were made from the storage ring, and the two men spent a lot of time and climbed up.

The singularity was supposed to be dead. I didn’t expect to escape. I looked around and said, “Missing young lady, thanks to the fact that you have these two planks, just how can you have this in your storage ring?”

"It’s easy to pick up." At the beginning of the cloud, he touched his nose. Thanks to Xiaobai’s face. He lacked the door of the five elements, and I prepared a few door panels...

Although there are planks that can guarantee that the two will not fall down, but the two can only lie on it, the movement will be slightly larger, the board will tilt, and if it is not good, it will fall into the swamp again.

At this time, the swamp in the distance rolled up, and a huge monster quickly swam towards the two...

(End of this chapter)

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