Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1684: Reciting the temple rules

Chapter 1684 Reciting the Temple Rules

Zheng Hao took the crowd out of the yard and walked for nearly half an hour before he came to a square.

There are already dozens of people waiting on the square. At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the deputy Liu sitting on the main seat. I want to come. The importance of the last three candidates is self-evident. I personally came to supervise.

Just, I don't know what the third round of testing is.

After the people gave a tribute to the deputy Liu, the deputy of the deputy of Liu said that it was nothing more than letting everyone perform well, and then announced that the test could begin.

When Zheng Zhengzheng was about to announce the test content, he saw a guard who hurriedly walked to the side of Liu’s deputy, whispered a few words, and Liu’s deputy’s face changed greatly: “The test was delayed, and then three days later. !"

After the deputy of the deputy Liu, he left with the guard.

In the beginning of the cloud, my heart is dark, what is special, what is this Lao Wang Ba doing? It will take another three days to waste. She has a total of five Yi Rong Dan. This is dragged on and over. It will be difficult to exceed the deadline.

Zheng Hao had to go back to the yard with the people again. In the past three days, he couldn’t do anything, so he said, “I will let you listen to the Mei’s temple rules later, you will recite it with your heart, and the day after tomorrow. I will check you out. If you are not qualified, you don't have to take the third round of testing."

After everyone nodded and said yes, Zheng Zheng left.

After half an hour, I listened to Me, and I took a few copies of the temple of the Nether Temple and prepared it for distribution to everyone.

There are very few papers in the temple of the Nether Temple. It is urgent to listen to Mei. The people in the sundries are not sure enough to make up the 20 temple rules. One of them is still a table corner. The cover is not covered. Still dirty.

The girls are naturally reluctant to ask for the broken temple rules. As a result, the broken temple rules are on the hands of the clouds.

It doesn't matter if you are in the early days of the cloud. This is a broken thing. When the lady flips it over, she can remember it.

Listening to Mei and swearing a few words, so that everyone does not damage the temple rules, in the future to be returned, after everyone nodded, then took the temple rules back to their respective dorms.

In the late night, the three people had to change the broken temple rules with Yunchu, and the first time in the cloud: "No change, no change, how good this is, even if it is broken or dirty." Someone will pursue it."

When the three people in the late night saw the cloud, they didn’t care, and they stopped insisting on it.

At the beginning of the cloud, he lay in the bed and turned over the book of the Nether Temple. Then he threw it aside and took out a book and looked at it.

"At the beginning, this time is all right, you still read the book? You don't have to memorize the temple rules!" said the late night of the fierce.

"That is, at the beginning, this is a memorable rule that others can't help you. Even if you are smart, you don't have the method of opportunistic tricks. Let's go back, the difficulties in the past have passed, don't fall short." Lu Qin also advised.

Zhou Yinghan is more direct, simply confiscate the words in the hands of Yunchu, and then put the broken temple rules into the hands of Yunchu: "When is it back, you can read the book!"

In the beginning of the cloud, there is a lasagna tear in my heart. What's special, the popularity is too good! This product did not want to expose his unforgettable ability, but had to remind him to pick up the temple rules and hypnotize, and soon fell asleep, and the saliva flowed on the temple.

At the beginning of the cloud, I fell to sleep at noon, stretched out, and got ready to get up for lunch. When I accidentally found the broken temple, she stopped...

Eighth. Dear, good morning, what?

(End of this chapter)

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