Chapter 1685, the Virgin

"In the beginning, go, have lunch!" Chen shouted late.

"Well! Good!" At the beginning of the cloud, Ba Ba Ba’s eyes put the broken temple rules into the storage ring, and they followed the ink late night and they went out to cook.

As early as the cloud, I took out a few big pots to cook rice. The maid who helped the rice helped the cloud to pretend to have a lot of buns, and said: "The young lady, the buns today are meaty, you must like it."

At the beginning of the cloud, my heart moved: "Hey, I like the big buns with meat stuffing, and I will install more!"

The maid actually put a few buns in the basin of the cloud, and the cloud smiled back to the dormitory.

After lunch, Yunchu squatted on the bed and looked at the temple rules. When the three people saw the cloud at the end of the night, they finally embarked on the "right way", and they no longer paid attention to her, and they silently ruled the temple of the temple.

At the beginning of the cloud, when he looked at it, he became lying sideways, just blocking the sight of the three people, and then punctured the thing from the back cover of the temple to take out a thin thing like a flap, and the cloud did not look at it. Collect the storage ring directly, and then continue to pretend to be the default.

This small heart excited and jumped, Emma, ​​it seems to be a map, get rich, get rich! This Netherland is really her blessed land!

Although the beginning of the cloud is like a cat, but the four people are inseparable, she does not have the opportunity to look at it separately. She has to hold on to curiosity and prepare to have a chance to see what is drawn on it in the future.

Two days later, Zheng Zheng really began to assess the results of the people's memorization.

It is not difficult for these girls to recite the rules of the temple. Zheng Zheng let them recite the rules of the temple and only prevent them from doing nothing. Therefore, the assessment of the temple rules is passed.

After the assessment was completed, listening to Mei took the temple rules in the hands of everyone, Yun Yunyi also handed over the broken temple rules, but this product has already glued the back cover layer with paste, others will not think of it. There used to be something hidden inside.

The next morning, everyone followed Zheng Zheng to the last square to participate in the third round of testing.

Liu deputy and some people have already waited on the square. Yunchu’s first grievances have also reprimanded Liu’s last time to postpone the assessment time. Now it’s good, and the deputy Liu’s deputy may be postponed again. Maybe there is still something good.

Liu deputy still said a lot of words, and then the test can begin.

"The third round of testing is very simple. In addition to the heavens, our most respected people are the spirit of the Nether, so the final three candidates are determined by the spirit of the Nether." Zheng Yi said to everyone.

At the beginning of the cloud, I wondered, let the spirit of the Nether decide? How to decide? Is it not in the air?

When Yunchu was wondering, he heard a guard shouting: "The Virgin is here!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the eyes of the sun and looked at the saints from far and near. When I was burning the wilderness in the last time, Yunchu didn’t pay much attention to the saint. Now take a closer look, even though she has a veil. But the eyes that are exposed outside and the adoptive mothers in memory are generally the same, but the eyes are no longer loving and quiet, but with a bit of melancholy in the cold, and even a hint of faint hatred.

The crowds saluted, and the saint said faintly: "Excluded."

In the beginning of the cloud, I further confirmed that this saint is her adoptive mother, because this sound is the same as the sound in memory.

Beauty girl, your little nine is coming, it will not take long, we can reunite with the family, this Netherland is our two women, haha, think about it is beautiful!

(End of this chapter)

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