Chapter 1686 Temple of the Nether

At the beginning of the cloud, I suddenly thought of a problem. No, the last time I burned the secret in the sky, she signed up. The beautiful girl should have heard her name. Does the beautiful mother know that she is her little? Cotton jacket?

If it is the ordinary name of Zhang San Zhao Si, it is afraid of being a heavy name, but her unique name is rare, how can the beauty mothers react?

When Yunchu was thinking about it, he heard the deputy Liu said: "The saint, this is the 20 girls who participated in the third round of testing, please come out of the Temple of the Ghost!"

The saint looked at Liu’s deputy, with a bit of irony and hatred in his eyes, but he took out a jade card and then bit the index finger and began to swear: “With my blood, sacrifice the Nether! The eleventh generation of saints invites the Nether Temple!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but vomit. This is a good thing in the Netherland. It’s just that it’s a bad thing to do anything. It’s so painful! This **** Nether Spirit has nothing to do with the blood of others, it must not be a good thing!

With the snoring of the saint, the jade card floated into the air and projected a large piece of light and shadow, and a palace appeared on the square.

There are two green lights in the eyes of the clouds, and I can still play like this? It seems that being a saint is really good. Besides this jade card, there are definitely a lot of good things. It is really a good career to get rich.

"You enter the Nether Temple in turn, and the top three who stayed in the longest time went to the next round of tests." Zheng Yu said to everyone.

The girls look awkward and have the longest stay? Will it be bounced out after entering?

Jinzhi was the first one. He walked in the door of the palace slightly. After about a quarter of an hour, the golden branch was bounced out. The force of the bomb was very strong. Fortunately, the golden branch turned over in the air, although It was awkward when I landed, but it was not too ugly.

The back of the green can not help but a happy, Jinzhi only waited for a quarter of an hour, she only had to wait for a quarter of an hour, so she entered the palace with confidence.

Unexpectedly, she stayed for a shorter period of time and was bounced out in less than a quarter of an hour. She did not have the high spiritual power of Jin Zhi. When she landed, she stepped back a few steps before she stood firm.

Qing Yan’s face turned red and returned to the team. She was sneer at her Shen Zi’s heart. These two men are her biggest competitors. They are so untouched by the spirit of the Nether. It seems that this successor is not her. It’s none!

Shen Zi Mo’s first chest came into the palace. She didn’t think that her time was shorter. She had not been bounced for a long time, and the strength of the bombing was even greater. Shen Zi’s retreat was a dozen steps, so It is easy to stabilize the figure.

The next girls waited for a shorter period of time, and when they entered, they would be bounced out in just a few dozens of time, and they were very embarrassed when they landed, and they were thrown one by one.

Jinzhi was still somewhat lost. She felt that she was not seen by the spirit of the Nether. Now she saw that these people did not have a long time for her to stay, and her face could not help but show her smug look. It seems that only she is the best candidate for the Virgin. .

The thoughts of Qinglan and Shen Zimo are similar to those of Jinzhi. The latter one is not as good as one. It is almost certain that the three of them are the ultimate winners. As for the fourth round, they have their own skills!

(End of this chapter)

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