Chapter 1690, why is it too urgent?

Zhou Yinghan took a thigh: "You said this, it really makes sense! Just three of us are general, the spirit is also general, why did we choose them at the beginning?"

"Maybe it is because of our family life! The women of the big family may not listen to the beginning, and even if they become a saint in the beginning, I am afraid that there will be no real power." The late night thoughts are more active, which is why the cloud The reason why the first time gave the storage ring to her.

"What do we do?" Zhou Yinghan scratched his head and looked at the late night and Lu Qin.

In the late night, Mo was silent for a moment, biting his teeth: "I decided to gamble! I have been able to reverse the success many times at the beginning, and also helped us a lot. I believe she can not only become a saint, but also be able to master Real power."

Lu Qin thinks of someone, his face is slightly red: "I also decided to follow the beginning, she must be."

"Since you all decided to follow the beginning, then I will stay! Right, you said that the words from the Nether Temple at the beginning were true? How do I feel that this is a flicker?" Zhou Yinghan said .

In the late night, the ink grinned: "There are fakes in all likelihood. It is estimated that in order to obtain the goodwill of the deputy Liu, the golden branch and the green must play but the beginning, let us wait for the good news at the beginning. !"


After many years, the three people remembered the original decision and could not help but be grateful that their young and ignorant, just because of their trust in one person, they made a decision that would change the fate of them and many people.

The cloud was stunned by the three people who were stunned by the late night. At this time, they were being reprimanded by the shackles.

This goods silently recited a poem: "Boiled beans and soy beans, the beans are sobbing in the kettle, this is the same root, the truth is too urgent! Mother, mother, you will regret it in the future, you are fined, but you Baby is nine!"

"In the early days of Lin, I heard that you all learned etiquette. I didn't expect you to walk or jump, what kind of system?" The saints screamed coldly.

Standing on the side of the golden branches and green plaques could not help but gloat, that!

This forest was just out of the limelight at the beginning of the early days. I thought that the saint would favor her. I didn’t expect to reprimand her when she came up. She must not like her!

Yunchu knows that the first impression of the saint is very poor. Now she is saying more and more mistakes, so she simply turned her head and did not speak, letting the saints reprimanded.

The saints are not good at saying anything more, but they have made up their minds and said that they must find a way to get rid of this forest at the beginning.

The saint took a sip of tea and said, "You three have followed Yi Yi to learn etiquette in these few days. Although you have learned some before, but those are just furs, it is the essence of Professor Yi. You are all good at learning. If I find out that you don’t study seriously, you will be eliminated directly!"

After the first few clouds, the three men nodded and said that they followed Yi Yi to their dormitory in the temple.

Yi Yi is the middle-aged woman in the past. The face is very serious. When Yun Yun finds that she can't see her cultivation, it should be above the second level of the spirit.

This easy 嬷嬷 嬷嬷 should be the confidant of the beautiful mother, I am afraid that I can not toss me, oh, small can not bear to chaos, I will bear it!

At the beginning of the cloud, the Temple of the Virgin discovered that there were not many guards at the periphery. There were also many guards hidden in the dark in the Temple of the Virgin, and the spiritual power was not low. It is estimated that the deputy Liu was sent to monitor the saints.

(End of this chapter)

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