Chapter 1691 warns white lotus

Yi Yi took the three people to a courtyard. It was very spacious and there were many rooms.

There were two beautiful maids waiting at the door, and after the ceremony, they stood behind Yi.

At the beginning of the cloud, the three of them thought that they had to choose their own rooms. I didn’t expect Yi Yi to say: "You all live in this room in the middle. You know that painting and knowing the piano live in the partial house. What can you do? Look for them at any time. I will not arrange for you to study etiquette today. I will gather and disband in the hospital tomorrow."

Jin Zhi and Qing Biao talked and laughed into the house, and left the cloud in the original place. The cloud did not agree with it. He asked two maids with a smile: "Is dinner done by ourselves or is someone giving us food?"

Knowing the painting and knowing the piano, they never thought that this forest would actually ask for food at the beginning of the forest. This is somewhat contrary to the appearance of her little fairy.

"The first lady, dinner is delivered by someone. At dinner time, we will inform you." The painting said respectfully.

"That's great, the food in the Temple of the Virgin must be very good, I can't wait for it! I must call me when I arrive!" Yunchu said that he broke into the house.

Knowing the painting and knowing the piano and glanced at each other, this forest was really picked out in the beginning of the forest? How do you feel that it is a foodie!

At the beginning of the cloud, I broke into the house. I saw that Jinzhi and Qinglan were already making beds. The position at the door was the worst, so they left the bed at the door to the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t care. I took out the ceremony and started to make the bed. After I laid it, I lay down on the bed and trembled with my calf.

Qingxin’s heart moved, and he slammed his mouth and said to Jin Zhi: “Golden branch, this first place should have been yours, and I don’t know how long it used to be in the early days of Lin’s use.”

Qinglan understands the temper of Jinzhi. She knows that Jinzhi will definitely go to the beginning of Lin’s early days. Maybe two people will fight. When the time comes, the impression of the two of them will be very bad. She will benefit the fisherman.

Sure enough, Jin Zhi heard the green scorpion saying so, the quilt in his hand was lost, and he went to the front of the bed at the beginning of the cloud.

However, before I even waited for Jin Zhi to speak, I saw that Yun Yun suddenly jumped from the bed to the ground, and Jin Zhi was so scared that he could not help but step back.

At the beginning of the cloud, I akimbo with one hand and a finger on the golden branch: "Golden branches, we don't make river water, I don't want to conflict with you. Moreover, I think your understanding of the sword method is very good. I have a few points to appreciate you!" Besides, when you are testing the swordsmanship, you didn't kill the guard at the last moment, indicating that you still have some conscience, so as long as you don't provoke me, I won't pack you!

But can you bring a little brain before you can do things? The white lotus is obviously trying to provoke us. Can't you see it? When she compared with the guard, she also used the beauty plan, which is really disgusting! It is not a good thing at first glance!

If you are back on the line with IQ, you will recall the details of your getting along. Is it used repeatedly by her, I am really worried about your IQ, so you can't see such a bad knife killing?

By the way, the white lotus flower I warn you, your means are not good in front of me, you should not waste your effort! Although Jinzhi has no brains, it is not a fool. You have to re-do it again. It is estimated that you will be smashed into Chengxiang. You can do it yourself! ”

(End of this chapter)

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