Chapter 1801 Mutation

The golden-winged Zhu Xiying had to push the eagle to the front of the cloud and screamed again.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was puzzled and asked, "Is it necessary to give the Kitty Hawk to me?"

The little eagle on the side saw the silly look of the cloud, and turned his eyes straight!

The golden-winged Zhu Xiying misunderstood, thinking that the little eagle was sick again. He anxiously nodded to the cloud and then screamed.

At the beginning of the cloud, this is a look of ignorance. This product is a thigh: "No wonder I have dreamed these days, dreaming that there are old gods that let me accept the eagle! The old **** also let me take care of the eagle!"

The golden-winged Zhu Xiying heard the beginning of the cloud, and believed that there was a dream, and with the wings, pushed the eagle to the side of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was trying to take the bad water machine and contract the Kitty Hawk. The white light flashed and the scene changed.

At this time, it has been half a month since the beginning of the cloud entered the Tianjiao list. At the beginning, there were still many people to watch. Later, only Fengming and Jinzhi were available to check.

At the beginning, Jin Zhi was still worried about the safety of the cloud, but it was numb after being repeatedly brainwashed by Feng Ming. They were right, Xiao Ji’s enchanting would not be a problem.

Everything in Tianyuan College is as usual, and there is no difference because there is no bad thing package.

On the morning of this morning, Dean Huang was working on the study room. The door of the study was knocked open. The dean of the Emperor Huang was shocked. He looked up and saw that the old man was in the dry head, but the old man’s look was very dignified and very anxious.

"Jiang Lao? Jiang Lao, do you have something?" Dean Huangfu stood up. He knew that Jiang Lao was not a Hulai person. It must have been a problem.

"My enemies are looking for, I must leave here immediately, lest I will be tired of you. When the little nine hoes come out, you must keep your mouth shut, and say that I am going to Yunyou, don't let her go to me, she is not that yet. Human opponent!"

The old man hurriedly said a few words, then he turned and rushed out, and several jumps disappeared.

When the dean of the emperor did not respond, he heard the voice of fighting in the distance, and his heart tightened, and quickly jumped toward the incident.

When the emperor Huang arrived, he found that the old man and the middle-aged man were fighting.

The middle-aged man wore a black robe, and the black robes were embroidered with gold thread on the cuffs and edges. The emperor’s dean was a tight heart. The golden silk thread was spit out of the nine mysterious silkworms, very rare. What is the origin of people?

What surprised Premier Huangfu was that he couldn’t see through the cultivation of the black man, and it seemed that the old man was no taller than the old man.

The most terrible thing is that there are still twenty people standing in the distance, and the dean of the imperial concubine can't see through their cultivation. That means that the cultivation of these five people is above the emperor.

Dean Huangfu naturally wouldn’t just look at it like this, and screamed: "Stop! Who are you? Actually, open hands at Tianyuan College?"

The voice of Dean Huangfu has not yet fallen, and one person standing behind has moved. It is a palm to the dean of the Emperor, and the dean of the emperor hastened to dodge.

Although the dean of Emperor Huang has escaped this trick, his heart is a shock. The spiritual power of this person is too deep. I am afraid that he will not receive ten strokes. When did Tianyuan mainland appear so much power?

(End of this chapter)

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