Chapter 1802, Revenge

The old man of the dry bar saw the man's hand on the dean of the emperor, and he swayed aside and jumped to the side. He said to the middle-aged man: "Vatican, this is the resentment between us and has nothing to do with others, let your people stop!"

The middle-aged man smiles coldly: "Jiang Ye Zhou, I didn't expect you to be alive. I thought you were dead. However, it seems that your life is not so good. At the same age, you are old. This way, hey, it’s really a smile!"

"Vatican Zhen, talk nonsense, you are nothing more than looking for me to seek revenge, we will go to other places to fight a deadly battle!" The reason why the old man of the dry bar said that he wants to lead these people elsewhere, so as not to blame the people of Tianyuan College.

At this time, many people at Tianyuan College gathered around and glared at the people like Fan Zhen and others.

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man snorted: "Since these people have hid you, then these people have to die!"

The old man’s eyes are red and red: “Vatican! You are doing this, you are not afraid of being condemned?”

The middle-aged man, Van Gogh, snorted: "You reminded me that these people are just some ants! It’s not worth killing them because of the Thunder, but they have squandered their dantian and cut their hands and feet. Not bad!"

The old man with a dry fist clenched his fist and bit his teeth: "As long as you don't hurt them, I will let you deal with it!"

"Hey! Jiang Yezhou, do you think you are still the original Jiang family? Do you have any qualifications and conditions for me? They have to complain and grieve with you, they are unlucky!" Van Gogh waved and gestured People do it.

"Vatican Zhen, you are really deceiving too much! If you force each other, I will blast Dantian, we will have a fish to die!" The old gluten on the forehead of the old man’s head collapsed. This is his most worried situation. happened.

Van Gogh heard that the old man of the dry bar was going to blew Dantian. It was a little taboo, and his eyes flashed a bit: "Well, anyway, these people have nothing to do with us. If you kill yourself now, I will spare those people."

The emperor of the emperor saw that the old man of the dry bar really wanted to blew Dantian, and quickly stopped the road: "Jiang Lao! Never! There is still room for change."

The old man said with a wry smile: "I can't because you are alone, I have lived for so many years."

Although Jin Zhi didn't know the old man, but once she heard the cloud blowing, she mentioned that she had a master and was a dry man, so she shouted: "Jiang Lao! You are dead, they may not really spare. We, these people still can't beat these people? It's a big deal!"

When the old man of Ganba listened to Jinzhi, he couldn’t help but see him. This reminded him, and he said, “Vatican, in order to prevent you from speaking, it’s not a count, you are swearing!”

Van Gogh smiled a little coldly: "Yang Ye Zhou, Jiang Ye Zhou, you are still as stupid as before. Do you think I will put these people? Brothers, play with these ants! The little girl who just spoke to me Keep it, the rest of you are free!"

When the old man sees it, he will blew himself up. What he didn't think is that the black people are swaying, and each person grabs a student. Fan Zhenyin laughs and says: "Yang Yezhou, if you blew yourself, we may not be killed. But these people will have to be killed by you!"

(End of this chapter)

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