Chapter 1816 Top Good Things

The spirit knows that if there is no blood, the cloud will not be willing to give up, so I have to bite my teeth and say: "Little fairy, although I don't have a fairy and a good spiritual stone, but I can give you a good top. thing!"

"What's the good thing at the top? What's the good thing? What good things can you look like in this poor search?" Although Yunxin had a heart in his heart, he had a look of disdain.

The success of the spirit was stimulated by the beginning of the cloud, and he said loudly: "Oh! Although this instrument is poor, this thing is a rare thing in ancient times, this is my first owner. Hard to get!"

"Xiao Wang Ba, who can't talk big words! What is it?" Yun Chuan heard the spirit of the machine, saying that the heart is like a cat, saying that such a fork, must be a good thing, what is it?

"It's a battle to repair the soul, too virtual to make up the soul! As long as you have this array, you can repair the soul, this is definitely a battle against the sky! You also encounter this instrument, Otherwise, even if you enter the land, you will not find this anti-sky array. If you are too imaginary, you will..."

After the body of Barabala boasted, the cloud did not listen to it at first, and her mind repeatedly flashed three golden glittering characters: earning big!

Hahaha! With the help of the virtual soul, she can repair their remnants of Fuxi, and don't say anything else, as long as she can repair the shackles and the sorrowful souls, this is the two big killers! Although it may be possible to lose some of the soul once, she can fix it again!

Wow, I’m making a big deal! This day's arrogance is really worth it!

Thank you Tianyuan College! Thank you for your arrogance! Thank you for your spirit! Thanks for the old witch who was at the beginning!

Although the goods are so happy and crazy, but they snorted and said: "Too virtual tonic souls? It is quite a fork, but I have no soul to repair, what is the use of it?! However, I Seeing that you can't get any other good things, I just want to agree!"

The instrument heard that Yunchu said so, for fear of her remorse, and quickly threw a sheepskin roll to the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I just took the sheepskin roll to my hand. It was a flash of white light in front of me. When I blinked, I was already outside the celestial list!

At the beginning of the cloud, the first person on the display screen was changed to her name. The names of others were followed by the value of the points. Only her name was followed by three bright characters "infinity".

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded with satisfaction. When he was about to view the sheepskin roll, he smelled a strong **** smell. So he hurriedly collected the sheepskin and rushed to save people.

"Male god, you have reminded me, I have to see if this sheepskin roll is too sinister, if the genius of the genius daring to lie to me, I will burn its king's nest!"

At the beginning of the cloud, he said that he took the sheepskin roll and opened it. It was dumbfounded!

The sheepskin rolls are all densely packed with words, but they are all ancient scripts. The beginning of the cloud can only recognize some of the words of the rare Lala!

At the beginning of the cloud, the arrogant arrogant smashed a dog's blood sprinkler, and the emperor couldn't help but laugh: "Xiaojiu, this is too much to be remnant. It was originally left in the ancient times. Naturally, it was written in ancient scriptures. The spirit of the instrument."

I think it’s right at the beginning of the cloud. If it’s not written in ancient Chinese, it’s a fake!

(End of this chapter)

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