Chapter 1817 Blood Promise Dark Circles

"Male god, I thought I would have embarked on the peak of life since then! As long as I learned too much to replenish my soul, I will repair the sorrowful and sorrowful souls. Who can still be my little nine fairy? Opponent?! Unfortunately, it’s a pity that I just had a daydream.” The cloud sighed and sighed.

Emperor Beibei had to comfort her. The biggest advantage of Yun’s first purchase was that he was so worried that he soon left this thing behind, forcing the North to sing a few times of lullaby. Asleep.

She fell asleep, but the Emperor Beibei did not sleep at all. He noticed a huge crisis.

Those black people are likely to come from other high-ranking continents. With the first batch, there will be a second batch. The spiritual power of these people is too high. If you don't want any effective way, Tianyuan is in danger!

Emperor Beibei thought about the brow and suddenly stretched out slightly, because he recalled the Tianyuan continent and the Qingxuan continent. The people of Tianyuan mainland went to the Qingxuan continent. Although the spiritual power was suppressed, it was also the wolf entering the flock. Why is it rare? Someone went to Qingxuan mainland?

The reason is very simple. The most fundamental goal of the cultivators is to build a boulevard. The rest of the things are secondary. The aura of the low-level mainland is much thinner than the aura of the high-level mainland. It is not necessary to cultivate for the sake of martial arts.

That Fan Zhen and the old man of the dry bar should have been enemies decades ago, and now they have found it. This shows that he did not think that the old man will bow to the low-level mainland.

Emperor Beibei finally came to a conclusion that if there is no reason for the incomprehensibility, other people on the mainland where Fan Zhen is located should not easily come to Tianyuan.

Emperor Beibei thought of this, and kissed the forehead of the cloud, and he fell asleep.

The next morning, Emperor Beibei said his thoughts and the beginning of the cloud. At the beginning of the cloud, he said with the stars: "Male god, you are not my male god, you are so smart!"

The ears of Emperor Beibei were slightly red, and some unnaturally said: "We still have to try the tower quickly, so as not to have any unexpected circumstances."

After the emperor’s remarks, he rushed out of the house.

At the beginning of the cloud, I touched my chin. Is this a shame? How is this skin getting thinner and thinner?

When Yunchu and Emperor Beibei arrived at the trial tower, the dean of Huangfu and others also arrived. Only the bloodless yawn was late.

"Black chicken brother, your two dark circles are too obvious! You didn't sleep last night? What have you done?" Yun Yun asked curiously.

The bloodlessness is slightly flustered and said: "My brother, I naturally can't be stunned for the safety of the Tianyuan continent! How can it be like some people have no heart and lungs to sleep until dawn!"

"Ah, that's it! What kind of countermeasure did you think of the black-brother brother?"

"Which countermeasures are so easy to think of?! Xiaojiu sister, don't say this, we still have to deal with the **** in the trial tower!" Bloody eyes are slightly whispered.

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth. This black-eyed head must have something to look at her. What kind of countermeasures can he think of his unintentional goods? Pooh!

The blood is not seen, the cloud is no longer questioned, and this is a slight relief, he will not admit that he could not sleep after doing a color dream last night...

At the beginning of the cloud, everyone was ready, shouting on the neck: "Little black frog, put the black man out, I will give him blood!"

The spirit of the trial tower, despite the grievances of crying, is still a black man, because it feels that the black heart of the cloud is much more terrible than those of the black man!

The ninth. Continue to update in the early hours.

(End of this chapter)

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