Chapter 1821 Uninvited Guest

When the lady of the temple heard the beginning of the cloud, she couldn’t help but say: “The first place in the total list? Can’t be taken away by others? What do you mean?”

At the beginning of the cloud, the goods were prepared, and she did not bother to work hard. She deliberately painted the Tianjiao list: "Hey, look, I have painted for you, you and the coward to see it!"

This goods are revengeful, hey, did you not look down on me at the beginning? Doesn't it mean that I can't enter the top 100? I will give you the first time to come back! Still the first forever! I will ask you, surprises are not a surprise? Does it hurt?

The lady of the temple and the emperor Han Han saw the words "infinity" behind the name of Yunchu, and couldn’t help but look at it with such a face.

Is the spirit of the Tianjiao list convulsed? How did you give such an unreliable score? Infinity, this is indeed the first to occupy the first place!

The lady of the temple did not have the small belly of the cloud, and smiled and said: "Small nine-headed girl, since you got the first place in the Tianjiao list, I will arrange for people to go to the Netherland and Qingxuan mainland to appoint, waiting for you to graduate. You will be married."

If the average girl must be tweaked, but the cloud is not the same as others, I heard the lady of the house say so, smiled and said: "Hey, remember to prepare the bridegroom, I am married like this. Just have a face!"

Everyone in the room’s eyes twitched, and the face was so thick that it was no one!

In the next few days, the beginning of the cloud with the golden branches began to sprinkle in the Changsheng Hall, playing fun.

Unexpectedly, at noon this day, there was an uninvited guest outside the Changsheng Temple.

When the dark wind came to the newspaper, Yunchu and others were eating lunch, and everyone laughed and laughed.

"The lord, honor, and a group of people outside, the spiritual power is unfathomable, among them is a woman who is a little older, and she is asked to see Miss Nine."

Everyone is shocked, and the spiritual power is unfathomable? Want to see the beginning of the cloud?

"Father, let me go out and see what is going on." The emperor's station stood up and went out to see the truth.

At the beginning of the cloud, he said: "Men, since she is saying 'seeking', this means that either it is asking for me, or the identity is lower than me. If so, you can’t go to see her. Little madman, you tell the outside person that only the woman is allowed to come in with at most two maids, and the rest are not allowed to come in."

"Beibei, Xiaojiutou said right, let the person come in and ask the situation is." Madame Madame said on the side.

Emperor Beibei had nodded to the dark wind, and the dark wind turned and went out.

When Yunchu and other people got up and went to the living room, they were filled with wonders. Who is coming?

After a while, three people came in outside.

The head is a woman who seems to be about fifty years old. Of course, the age and appearance of the monk do not match. It seems that 50 years old, maybe hundreds of people or hundreds of years old.

The dress on the woman is very gorgeous, and the workmanship and materials are extremely particular, but there is no smile on the face.

Behind the woman are two maids, all of whom are beautiful, but with a scorn of eyebrows.

When Emperor Beibei and others saw the three people, their hearts were tight. The spiritual power of these three people was unfathomable. Especially the woman, her spiritual power even seems to be higher than the spiritual power of the Sanskrit. What exactly are these people coming to? What is wrong with finding Xiaojiu?

The fourth is even more. When I came back late, I wrote four chapters after I rushed, and the remaining four chapters were updated at noon tomorrow. Recently, there are many bamboo things, so the update time is not fixed. If you want to watch it once, you will wait until the day or night. When the bamboo is busy with this paragraph, it will be stable and updated.

(End of this chapter)

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