Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1822: You are the big lady of the Mohist family.

Chapter 1822, you are the Miss of the Mohist family.

"I don't know how this lady is called? Come to my longevity hall, what are you doing?" asked the emperor.

The woman's expression still hasn't changed, but the beginning of the cloud has quickly caught a trace of disdain from her eyes.

"I am the summer affairs of the Immortal Continent of the Yuan Dynasty. I am going to welcome Miss Dae back to the house with the order of my family and my wife. Missy, please!"

The emperor and the cold are suddenly surprised, Missy? Is it a small nine?

"This summer affairs, I don't know who the big lady in your mouth is referring to?" The emperor continued to ask.

Xia Guanwu slightly lifted his chin and looked at the beginning of the cloud: "You should be called Yunchu at your place! Missy, the owner and the lady are eager to see me, and I will return to Mofu immediately!"

The wife of the lord is really intolerable: "There is no reason for this! Even if you don’t recognize you, you have no such evidence. Do you have any evidence that Xiaoji is your big lady? Besides, even if Xiaojiu is really your big lady in Mofu, you are a The next person is this attitude?"

There was a glimmer of sorrow in the eyes of Xia Guanzheng. When he raised his hand to the lady of the temple, he was a palm. Fortunately, the Emperor’s cold and timely release of this palm, but it felt the intense shock of the power inside Dan Tian, ​​I could not help but feel With a shadow cast on it, the spiritual power of this summer is really unfathomable.

"What is the qualification of a ruthless ant in the lower mainland to question this management? If it is not in the face of Missy, I have already killed you in the Hall of Eternal Life! The power of a lower continent even dares to call the Palace of Eternal Life. It’s really self-effacing, people can make a smile!” Xia Guan saw tearing his face and his words were more arrogant.

At the beginning of the cloud, see the emperor of the emperor to start, and preached: "This summer affairs, do you know if the Mohist in your mouth is on the eastern or western continent of Xianyuan?"

Xia Guanzhi heard this sentence, can not help but some accidents, this soil buns also know that the Xianyuan continent is divided into the eastern continent of the East China continent? It is estimated that I heard it by chance.

"We are in the western mainland, but our home is in the eastern continent. Missy, originally wanted to fly with your spiritual power, and so on, but now you can go directly to the fairy continent, you can be considered a step into the sky! Hurry with me!"

"Of course, you can, but you have to prove that I am the big lady in your mouth! Otherwise I just went up to enjoy a few days, and you said that I am a counterfeit goods, I am not happy!" Said with a smile.

That summer can't help but scorn, and at first glance, it's a greed, so it's easy!

"Missy, our Mofu naturally won't just find someone to recognize the family. We have already had solid evidence this time.

Missy’s appearance is the same as that of the late wife. In addition, we have found your foster mother and got the little quilt from her. The corner of this little quilt has a special mark of our ink house, and it is your time. It also coincides with the time you were missing at the time, so Missy does not have to doubt your identity. ”

"Oh, if that's the case, then I am relieved! Right, how are you taking my adoptive father and foster mother?"

Xia Guanzhen saw that there was no worry about raising a foster mother on the face of Yunchu, but it was a kind of excitement. My heart was even more disdainful: "They are unscathed. As long as Missy returns to Mohism with us, we will let your adoptive parents! ”

(End of this chapter)

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