Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1827: Master and servant are different

Chapter 1827 Master and servant are different

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but wonder. It’s enough to go to Tianyuan’s mainland, and it’s very dangerous. The Mohist has spent so much effort. What should I do to find her back?

In the beginning of the cloud, I was cold-hearted. In the end, it was definitely not because my family was right. She had to look at what they were doing so much.

However, since the road is so dangerous, they will not easily go to their grandfather to trouble them. She can make a demon as long as she does not touch their bottom line. Ink, your good days are coming soon!

Finally, I saw the land far away.

Xia Guanshi and others sighed with relief and finally returned safely.

After the people got on the shore, they flew in the flying spirits for nearly a month, and they arrived at the Jinchuan City where the Mohist family was located.

After the flight of the flying spirit, the cloud began to enter Jinchuan City with Xia Guanshi and others.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was curious and looked around. This Jinchuan City is very prosperous, and it looks very big. It is estimated to be a relatively large city on the western continent.

Some pedestrians on the road saw Xia Guan things and others consciously dodge, and the eyes of the clouds flashed at the beginning of the cloud. It seems that this Mofu should be quite powerful in this Jinchuan City.

However, some people have seen Xia Guan things and others just nodded, and even concealed the cloud.

When Dong Qing saw the first appearance of Yun Yun, he couldn’t help but look cold. "You may not be the next person in the interface. You are now representing the face of the Mohist family. I hope that you will take your little family." stand up."

The beginning of the cloud turned to the holly, it was a smile, and the holly was amazed by the smile of the cloud, and then there was a trace of uneasiness in my heart. How did this earthen bun feel like a person?

The cloud began to raise the volume, and said crisply: "Holly, you are right. Since I am the Miss of the Mohist family, then the master and the servant are different. You should use the respectful name when you speak later, otherwise I will be welcome. !"

Holly thought that he had got it wrong, and couldn’t help but glance: "What do you say?"


The first wave of the cloud waving to the holly is a slap in the face: "Let's let go! Is this your attitude towards the master?!"

Although holly is much higher than the beginning of the cloud, she is dreaming and she does not expect that the cloud will suddenly shoot, so the slap in the face is solid, and the left face suddenly swollen.

"Hey! You dare to hit me?" Holly said that raising his hand would hit the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, I jumped out a few feet away and shouted loudly: "Summer management, are there any rules for the people in Mofu? Not only insulting the master, but even beating the master! In this case, I am not as good as I was waiting in Tianyuan Continental. I didn’t expect it to be angered by you."

All of this happened very quickly, and summer affairs were too late to stop. The beginning of the cloud caused a lot of people’s attention.

There are some forces that are quite similar to the strength of the Mofu. They are very curious about the identity of Yunchu. Now naturally, they will not miss such a good opportunity and stop to watch.

Xia Guanshi was caught unprepared by the beginning of the cloud, although it is very strange why this buns suddenly became bold, but on the street is naturally the most important face of the Mofu, so he said to the holly: "Let's go! Don't hurry to give big Miss pleaded guilty?! Missy, let's go back to Mofu, the owner and the wife are still waiting for you, you!"

Xia Guanshi is afraid of finding a new one in the beginning of the cloud and replacing "you" with "you."

At the beginning of the cloud, I just got a sigh of relief: "I am relieved when you say this, I thought I was looking for me to abuse me! Holly, what are you doing? Do you still want this lady to apologize to you?"

(End of this chapter)

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