Chapter 1828, you all respect me.

Holly screaming at the swollen left face, she didn't know why the situation suddenly became like this. How could she suddenly change her face when she was pleading with her?

The most terrible thing is that Xia Guanshi actually helped her to talk, even letting herself apologize to the dumplings?

There are more and more people watching the onlookers in Xiaguan. They said with dissatisfaction: "Holly, what are you still honing? Don't you just apologize to Missy?"

Holly had to swallow and said: "Missy, slaves are wrong for a moment, please forgive me."

"Hey, I am the Missy of the Moh family in the future. Even if Fanghua met me, I would like to respect my sister. So you, and you will respect me later, or I will look for a complaint." Kill you!" said the beginning of the cloud.

Xia Guanxin’s thoughts and thoughts “know” the intention of Yun’s early days. It’s really naive! First, you will be fooled into the ink house. By then, you will know what your status is.

When Xia Guanzhen was thinking about it, he heard the voice of the cloud screaming loudly: "You are probably not knowing me, I am the Missy of the Mofu! It’s really a listener who is sad and hears the tears." what!

I didn’t know what was shameful when I was young, and I fell to a lower continent when I was born.

Fortunately, I finally came to the end of my life. I sent someone to pick me up. I heard that Mofu is a family that counts in Jinchuan City. I don’t need to say it, the tiger poison is still not eating, it is estimated to me. It will be good.

As for the immigration of my aunt, it is estimated that it is reasonable. It should not be poisoned, disfigured, and fined.

However, this person's heart is separated from the belly. If I haven't come out in a few days, then I will be killed. I don't expect you to avenge me. It's just that when you see me pity me to burn two paper money. I am satisfied! ”

At the beginning of the cloud, the voice was quite big at the beginning. Later, when I said it, I smashed my tears, and the voice became sobbing. Some of my heart couldn’t help but pick it up.

"Hey, I have heard that Miss Mo's Miss is missing. I didn't expect to find it back. I won't admit it?"

"I have seen the original Mrs. Yeh's side. This young lady is exactly the same as her mother. It must be wrong! Besides, can the ink house casually recognize people?"

"This big lady seems to be a little bit of an eye. It is estimated that it will not be better in the days of Mofu!"

"No? I heard that Mrs. Luo’s good deeds should not blame the Missy."

"Hey, people are separated from the belly, who knows! But the young lady's spiritual power is also low enough. It is estimated that the qualifications are definitely poor. It is impossible for the Mohist to be too fond of her."


"Missy, the time is not early, the owner and the wife are waiting for you, let's go!" Xia Guan did not expect that the moment was out of control, and the speech at the beginning of the cloud was very fast. She had no time to interrupt. The head slammed and went back to be scolded by the lady.

At the beginning of the cloud, I felt that the public opinion was almost scattered. I took a few more sounds and said: "Summer management, when I came, it was too hasty, and I didn’t bring gifts to my sister and my sister and sister. This is really It’s too rude! Let’s go pick some gifts and go back to the house!”

(End of this chapter)

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