Chapter 1868 Old House Comers

"Missy, the owner asked us to go home immediately, please!" said the black sly.

At the beginning of the cloud, Ba Baba’s eyes: "Okay, let's go!"

Yunchu and Mofangqin walked in front of the team, and Mofangqin did not feel that she had naturally unnatural habits and clouded together.

Not far from going out, the cloud began to scream.

Mo Fangqin scared a glimpse, this soil buns crazy?

The black scorpion and the guards were also shocked. The black sullen face said: "Miss, what happened to you?"

"Black, I think of a very important thing. I can't go back with such two empty paws. I want to hunt a monster to me."

The black man frowned. "Miss, haven't you hunt a lot of monsters in the past few days? Don't you give them to your home?"

At the beginning of the cloud, Shake shook his head: "Those are not fresh, I have to hunt for the freshest one and give it to me."

After the beginning of the cloud, he jumped to the side and ignored the blackout in the back.

The black scorpion had to chase the past, and Mo Fangqin and others also chased it up. Mo Fangqin couldn’t help but have a belly, this earthen buns, what is this moth? Giving a gift to my father? Go to the devil!

When the black cockroach caught up, the cloud 玖 玖 has been killed with a twenty-four-order giant tooth bone pig. The black cockroach saw that the big tooth iron bone pig was not high in level. If he thought about it, he would stop it and stand on the sidelines.

After a quarter of an hour, Yunchu finally killed the big-toothed iron bone pig, but she made it very embarrassing, the hair was scattered, and the body was also stained with blood. Of course, this blood is a giant tooth bone pig.

At the beginning of the cloud, the giant tooth iron pig was put into the storage ring, and said with exultation: "Well, this time we can go, I must really like the gift I gave him."

Black screamed, not to mention the twenty-fourth-order monster, even if it is a 30th-order, the owner will not look in it.

After an hour, everyone entered Jinchuan City.

Soon, there were people who had eaten melons and found a group of people in the early days of the cloud. People couldn’t help but talk about it:

"God, you see how much Miss Murray is! It's all blood, it's only a few days, I don't think Miss Ms. lost at least ten pounds."

"Yeah, it’s really pitiful! It’s estimated that the black scorpion hasn’t tortured Ms. Mou, and it’s almost no one! If it’s not for the old man’s house, it’s estimated that Miss Ms.

"It is estimated that this old house in the ink house also heard about Miss Mouth, or else how this black scorpion brought back Miss Ms."


When Heiyan heard these people’s arguments, he couldn’t help but be suspicious. Is this waste lady not so deliberately so embarrassed?

The beginning of the cloud is naturally deliberate, she is too lazy to give a gift to the ink, this black lotus skill is full, do not miss any chance of black ink.

The man in the old house of Mofu? What are they doing? Have a special trip to save her this Cinderella? Don't be kidding. If you have that heart, you won't be looking for her for more than ten years. No matter what they are doing, it's time to see the move.

Soon, everyone returned to the ink house.

Summer management is looking at the gate, and seeing the beginning of the cloud is a frown, and whispered and said: "Miss, the old house is coming, you go back to wash, then go to the living room to see the guests. The slaves deliberately yell at you. If you don’t want to say something, don’t say it, or else the family can’t spare you.”

(End of this chapter)

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