Chapter 1869, I am alive and back.

"Summer management, what do you say? My ears have been a little bad recently! You said, I missed me? Want to see me soon? Great, I will go see his old man!"

Summer management hasn't reacted yet, and the beginning of the cloud is like a rabbit!

Xia Guanshi, an old blood almost spurted out, this soil buns must be deliberate, her old life has to be built on this soil buns sooner or later!

Summer management is chasing after the old life in the back, Nai Yun first smashed through these days of trials, the body is faster, plus the distance from the door to the living room is not much, the summer management has to look at the clouds Just such a honor broke into the living room.

In the living room, Mo Cheng is talking with two middle-aged people. One of them is Mo Cheng’s eldest brother, Mo Peng, and the younger one is Mo Cheng’s younger brother, Mo Chang.

Mo Pengpi smiled and said: "Second brother, this grass has been lost for more than ten years. You didn't think about it. How can you find someone back now? I heard that you also borrowed your father. Big wild weather?"

Mo Cheng sighed: "Big brother, Fangcao is my biological daughter. I have been thinking about her all the time. Now I am finally capable, and naturally I have to get her back."

Mo Chang sneered aloud: "Second brother, you don't have to talk to me and my eldest brother if you are a fool. If you really hurt the grass, you will not be harsh on the grass. When I enter the city, I will listen to many people. You are harsh on the grass."

Mo Cheng sneered out loudly: "Three brothers, this rumor ends with the wise, the tiger poison is still not eating, how can I treat my own daughter."

"My biological daughter? That may not be! Second brother, you casually found a girl who came up and said it was the missing grass, which is too sloppy!"

Mo Cheng a few shots: "The third child! What do you mean by this?! I can also find someone to say that my daughter is not? When the grass is missing, it is wrapped in a small quilt with the mark of our ink. And the time when those people get to the grass is also consistent with the time of disappearance. The most important thing is the appearance of the grass and the cockroach, exactly the same as your first scorpion."

Mochang was muted by Mo Chengzheng, and Mo Peng spoke: "Second brother, although you said it makes sense, but the grass was missing in Xianyuan, why did it appear in Qingxuan? You How do you know that the grass is in the Qingxuan continent?"

"This is naturally someone told me the whereabouts of the grass, as to why she fell to the Qing Xuan mainland that day, I am not sure about the truth." Mo Cheng said with a flash of words.

When Mo Peng and Mo Chang were about to ask again, they saw a little girl with a **** hair rushing in: "Father, I finally came back alive!"

Both Mo Peng and Mo Chang were shocked. Where did this come from? ! Is this the ink grass? The appearance is very similar to the original lady of the second child.

Mo Cheng saw the deputy honor of Yunchu, and glanced at the summer affairs that he had caught up with. This waste, specifically let her stop the counter-woman, how could she still stop?

Before he even talked with ink, Mo Peng said: "You, you are my poor niece, grass? I am your uncle, how did you get it?"

"Ink grass, I am your uncle, what is wronged, even though he said to the three uncles, the three uncles will give you the title!" Mo Chang also said quickly.

At the beginning of the cloud, I saw the calculations of the two people’s eyes flashing. I couldn’t help but see that the ink family was such a selfish and cold-blooded person.

(End of this chapter)

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