Chapter 1870 Adoption

Before he even talked at the beginning of the cloud, Mo Cheng said: "Don't hurry back to clean up? There is no quietness of a girl. It is really not a system!"

"Father, I am going to try and not to go to the mountains to play with water. Naturally, it is impossible to be spotless. Hey, I know, how can I be a father and I will not be satisfied, and I will specifically kill you." A giant toothed iron bone pig."

At the beginning of the cloud, the tears fell and the face was full of dust. This was good, and it was washed together.

The coffee table next to Mo Peng: "The second brother, not when the big brother said you, the child of the grass has suffered a lot. Since you have found her back, you should treat it well."

Mochang also said: "I am, my second brother, I have heard about it in the old house. The people in Jinchuan City are very vocal about our Mofu, because you are eager for my hard-working prostitute. ”

When Mo Cheng heard two people sneer and sneer, it was very unpleasant. He said coldly: "This counter-female is very stubborn, and the spiritual power is too low. What is wrong with me to let her go to trial? Then again, there are black people with people. There is nothing wrong with protection."

"Second brother, what you said is good, Junchen is thirteen, and the spirit is three layers. How can you not let him go to the jungle to try it? I see, you just don't want to see the grass. Since you can't see it. Grass, then take the grass to our three rooms, I will definitely treat her as her own."

"Three brothers, haven't you already had two daughters? We only have one girl in the big room, just passing the grass to our big room."

"Big brother, this has nothing to do with a few children. When I look at the grass, I will vote. I feel like my daughter."

"Three brothers, you look at the fate, I look more like, the grass is even more like my daughter than Fang Frost."


Mo Cheng took a few shots: "Shut up! Grass is my daughter, succession, you don't even think about it!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I feel like a donkey. What do these people want to do with her?

Mo Peng and Mo Chang glanced at each other, and then they reached the united front again. Mochang said: "Second brother, now is not what you want to do. Now Jinchuan City knows that you are abusing the grass, you are again Look at the poor look of the grass, my uncle can not bear it.

Fangcao, you and the three uncles said, do you want to pass on to the three uncles as daughters? As long as you agree, the three uncles will definitely let your grandfather and grandmother agree. ”

Mo Peng also quickly said: "Fangcao, the only home in the uncle is your girl, you will be happy to be a hundred times more happy than you are now."

When Mrs. Luo saw it, she could not help but panic and said: "Big brother, three brothers, the grass just came back, definitely tired, let her go back to rest."

Mo Chang took a look at Mrs. Luo: "Two sisters, this is the thing of our Mohist family. If you have a foreign surname, don't follow it. Besides, strictly speaking, you are just aunt, what qualifications are for my niece and prostitute. Finger pointing."

Mrs. Luo’s shy face was red, but she couldn’t say anything. She had to look at the cloud in the shadows. The meaning in the eyes is self-evident. If the cloud is really promised to go to the big room or Three rooms, she must not spare the first time.

At the beginning of the cloud, she smiled at her. Ms. Luo’s heart screamed. Doesn’t this earthen buns really agree? If that is the case, wouldn’t it be that the bamboo baskets were filled with water and gave others a wedding dress?

(End of this chapter)

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