Chapter 1872, Thunder is coming.

When Mo Cheng first asked Xia Guan to go to the beginning of the cloud, he did not know that Yun Yun was a Tian Lei Ling Gen. If he knew, he would not venture to find it.

Mo Cheng can't help but feel a little scared. The higher the spiritual power of Tianlei Linggen, the easier it is to be obliterated by the Heavenly Way. It is no longer possible to let the rebellious woman improve her spiritual power.

When the face of Mo Cheng was gloomy, the sky suddenly darkened.

The people didn't care too much at first. They thought it might be cloudy, but the sky was getting darker and darker. Even if they were in the house, they could feel a huge pressure. Some people with low spirituality could not breathe. .

"God! Isn't it the heavenly way to drop the thunder to kill the grass niece?" Mo Peng suddenly screamed out.

Ink has changed his face, I am really afraid of what to come! If it is really running against the counter-female, where can the counter-woman win the thunder? Will definitely be obliterated by the heavens, then he is busy this all night is not all busy?

At this point, Yunchu has already walked into the yard, looked up at the sky, and then said to Holly and Xia Ye: "This day, Lei Bacheng is coming to marry me. If you want to give me a funeral, you will be treated in this yard. If you don't want to die, just roll it!"

Holly and summer leaves will not be here to die, and the scorpion will run away. The cloud screamed at the back and said: "Tell others that they are also far away. If they are mistaken by Tian Lei, I am not responsible."

I don’t have to say that the servants have long since ran away, joking, but it’s a thunder, not a fool!

Mo Cheng and others are also worried about being accidentally injured by the thunder, so they all ran to the street outside the ink house. As for the safety of the cloud, they certainly would not care. Although the cloud is useful, it is not small. Life is important.

At the beginning of the cloud, letting holly leave them naturally is not a soft heart. She is out of consideration for confidentiality. I am not afraid of the Thunder. The less people know, the less the better.

At the beginning of the cloud, she took out the parcels to wrap her hair, and then went to a corner of the yard, so that people far away could not see her.

The clouds in the sky are getting thicker and thicker, and the sky is getting darker and darker, almost to the point of darkness.

At the beginning of the cloud, he reached out and shook his head. He muttered: "The original is that you can't reach your fingers!"

The little black bird couldn't help but vent: "Master, when is this, you still have the mood to think about these messes! This Tianyuan continent's Tianlei must be much stronger than the Tianyuan continent, you should be careful!"

"Reassured, I am still a raw face for those dark clouds. They don't know that I am so perverted, so I am definitely not prepared enough for the first time. Besides, I haven't had a thunder for a long time. It’s really a feeling of missing the Thunder! It’s finally going to break through!” said Yun Yun’s excitement, and he danced.

Little black bird, silent.

Well, the master of the black heart can't judge by common sense, saying that Xiaoye hasn't upgraded for a long time, just to absorb a few Tianlei supplements.

The little mushroom said: "Master, the baby should also absorb the thunder, the baby has been hungry for a long time!"

So, three abnormal rows sit, excited to wait for the arrival of the thunder.

The dark clouds in the sky are very careless about this embarrassing task. Don’t you just kill a little girl? It’s just too simple, is there? !

Not to mention a small weak chicken on the Western continent, even the power of the East China is a fragrant thing.

The dark clouds think that up to three thunders will definitely complete the task, and then you can float back to hand in the task.

Before the dark clouds are in the thunder, the first step is naturally to find the target first. When it sees the three metamorphosis of the corners, the gas will not hit one place!

(End of this chapter)

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