Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 1873: The fate of the gates of Mofu

Chapter 1873 The fate of the gates of Mofu

Lying in the trough!

It is too much!

What are the three little weak chickens doing? !

I saw a little mushroom with a weird pattern. Every hyphae was wrapped around a sweet potato. The little girl had two sweet potatoes in it. The ugly bird was the most over-the-top. Only sweet potato!

This, is it because I want to use this cloud to bake them? !

hateful! It is really **** good! Kill them! Turn them into slag!

At this point, the small mushroom and the little black bird are in the heart of the collapse, they do not want to, but the owner of the black heart can not stand, can only be forced to become a grill.

When the dark clouds are in anger, I will see the dirty little girl below the whispering mutter: "Is this dark cloud a stupid cloud? Why don't you still have it? Is this hand very tired? !"

"Wow, master, what you said makes sense. I think this black cloud is really a fool. Otherwise, what do you do with black?" Is it because it is a guilty conscience, and it is so bad? It is awkward!"


Straight pumping of black clouds!

Against the little black bird is a purple thunder of adult arm thickness!

At the beginning of the cloud, I blinked, and it was really stronger than the Tianlei of Tianyuan, but it was no problem for a few hours.

The little black bird was stunned by the thunder!

The dark clouds couldn't help but be proud, but it was a ugly bird that was weak and stunned. This thunder was going down, and it was guaranteed that it would not have any residue.

When the dark clouds were smug, I heard the little black bird screaming: "The little man is just itching, and your little master is full of comfort, it is so comfortable!"

The dark clouds think that 80% is an illusion. Is this ugly bird not dead? Not only did not die, but there was no injury at all. How is this possible?

When the dark clouds were rushing, I heard the little girl say: "Little black, you stupid bird, don't you tell you to use wings to protect the sweet potato? This is good, it's all baked, this paste stays Give it to you!"

The dark clouds are really unbearable, and it is a thunder against the beginning of the cloud. Its idea is very simple. Anyway, the ugly bird and the little mushroom are the stinky ones. They can't run without swearing their heads.


The thunder was really squatting on the body of the cloud, and the three foods in Dantian suddenly began to compete, joking, how many days have been hungry, and finally opened up!

It doesn't matter if they fight for it, the cloud is unlucky!

The pain of Dantian pumping, the anger of this goods roared: "Whatever, give me the order! If this landlord is a fart, you can only become a stray dog ​​again! Say, what is the urgency? It’s stupid to see this dark cloud, and you will be willing to leave after the last lightning strike. You can have enough.”

The three foods were so smashed by the clouds, and suddenly stopped, arranged in order, and began to swallow the power of lightning.

The dark clouds in the sky are now in self-doubt. It is difficult because the task has not been out for a long time, so the power of this lightning is greatly reduced?

In order to verify the power of the thunder, the dark clouds went down to the gates of the Mofu!


The gates of the Mofu, which had a lot of fate, were once again smashed into powder. The legs of the Mofu people standing outside the door were soft and they fled.

The dark clouds can't help but wonder, this power is still the same as before, so why is that ugly bird and stinky head nothing? Try that little mushroom!

(End of this chapter)

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