Chapter 2012 Finding a Little Black Bird

At the beginning of the cloud, I also listened carefully, but when I saw the emperor’s north, it’s endless. It’s a few words, and the goods are a little absent-minded.

This kind of goods flashed through the picture that I just peeked. Although the white face was covered with scars, it was still very pleasing to watch. I just sneaked a few shots, it was a big loss...

Emperor Beibei Barabara said a lot, and then found the cloud at the beginning of the mouth to reveal a wretched smile, gas stunned her eyes: "Xiaojiu, what are you thinking?"

"I was thinking, just take off your pants, so I can see the whole set..." The goods found that they had leaked their mouths and laughed twice: "Hey, hey, male god, don't be angry. Everyone has a heart for beauty!"

Emperor Beibei took a deep breath and dropped a sentence of "good self-sufficiency". After leaving the house, several flashes disappeared.

At the beginning of the cloud, I licked my mouth. It was really a pile of wood. Normally, should I take off my clothes and let me touch it? !

The little black bird said weakly: "Master, if you said it is not normal, is it good?"

"Shut up! Do you still have a face to say me? You talk about you three, ah, no, you four one is better than a weak chicken, the spirit of the people is the fork of the cow with lightning, and then you are blowing one by one. The sky is full of flowers, what kind of fairy beasts are different, can you actually be? Where are you powerful? Not every time I upgraded by the light of yours, you are riding a ride to upgrade!"

The little black bird was suddenly blinded by three others. Do you say that you owe it? ! This is good, and we are all tired of being squandered by the owner. It depends on you!

The little black bird screamed at the mung bean eye: "Master, you can't rely on us. We are all born with extraordinary heaven and earth spirits. Can we be like those enchanting beasts?! Our life is very, very long, so we Now it's only the baby of your humanity. You said, can you ask too much for a baby?"

"You are a stock, you still have a reason?! Starting today, your food is halved!" The cloud was not right enough, the little black bird slammed into the muzzle.

The little black bird did not dare to speak with the mung bean eye. It felt that if it was nonsense, it was estimated that it was not only the halving of the food, but it would have to be embarrassed.

Hey, people are also very worried about it? ! People want to change the cattle fork lightning is good? But can't this come slowly? Can you still eat a fat bird?

After the beginning of the cloud, the skunk smashed the little black bird and went to the house of Qingzhi and Qingliu. It was not surprising that the two maids were awake and unconscious. It was estimated that they were stunned by the emperor.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help but vomit. This little white face is not a shot or a shot, but it can only confuse them, or the white face will be exposed.

At the beginning of the cloud, I woke up both the green branch and the green willow. The two faces are inexplicable. What happened?

"Forget what happened just now, nothing happened, understand?" Yun said with a sullen face.

Qingliu and Qingzhi naturally did not dare to disagree, and nodded in nod.

At the beginning of the cloud, I went to the house of Mofangqin and awakened the Mofangqin. The same thing was said again.

Mo Fangqin is very interesting and has nothing to ask. Instead, he said: "Big sister, how do you say to your grandfather? Why didn't Zhao family come to marry you?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he hooked his mouth and said: "I heard that the Zhao family returned to Jianfeng City overnight. Are you saying that it is very clever?"

(End of this chapter)

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