Chapter 2013, Zhao’s decision

Mo Fangqin's face is a stiff, heart, smart? It must be a ghost of the earthen bun, how did she do it? It's a metamorphosis!

"Three sisters, the next time is estimated to change the day. Hey, I am still a little excited!" said Yun Xiaoxiao.

Mo Fangqin feels that someone is going to be unlucky! This product is so excited, it must have been a bad idea.

At the end of the Zhao family, Luo’s family was not destroyed. However, it was unexpectedly ridiculous to ask for a ridiculous request at the beginning of the cloud.

Zhao Jia let Luo Jia kill Luo Yan, and then let Luo Yan marry Zhao Lizhi as a wife, that is to say, Luo Yan and Zhao Lizhi were buried in one place, so Zhao Lizhi also became a family in the underworld.

Luo Pingsheng did not hesitate to kill Luo Yan in the face of the elder Zhao Er, and then handed Luo Yan's body to the elder Zhao Er.

"Lo, the owner, is also your luck, my brother's dim room actually gave birth to a big fat boy, you can do it yourself!" Elder Zhao Er said with a grin.

"Elder Zhao, you have to say a few more words for me after you go back. I am here to help you stare at the Mohist family. There is a wind and grass to report to you in time. What do you want to do with the ink?"

Luo Ping was convinced that this time Luojia lost nearly half of his family's property. It is best for Zhao to quickly get rid of Mofangcao, and then he would find a way to annex the Mohist.

"Although I am determined to die, there are still many unmarried men in the family. When the commemoration of the ambition is over, I will come over again and ask for help. Forgive him, he will not dare not agree."

When Luo Pingsheng heard the elder Zhao Er say this, he couldn’t help but feel relieved and complimented a few words. This sent Zhao Er’s elders to leave.

Rocky stayed at the Luo family for a few days and returned to the Mohist school.

Mo Cheng naturally wants to ask Luo Yan's affairs. The Luo family's affairs are so big. Naturally, it is impossible for a little wind to come out, so Rocky simply told the story to me.

Mo Cheng could not help but have a little cold on the back. He felt that Luo Pingsheng was even more embarrassed than him. Luo Yan was the most favored, and even said that he would kill.

Luo's face was a little white, and the soft voice comforted: "French, I don't know how to do this. If you don't give Zhao a saying, Zhao will definitely destroy Luo's family."

Mo Cheng nodded and said in disbelief: "I understand that this is also forced by the father-in-law."

Luo Shi sees that Mo Cheng is so timid, and thinks about the two previous acolytes. In my heart, he believes that Mo Cheng is abandoning. He thought that this ink is long and good, and his family is also good. This is how he can climb his bed. I didn’t expect it to be more and more waste now, it’s really useless!

I knew this before, I should have gone with that family at the beginning, and the courage of that family is very big, maybe I have already made a career now...

Mo Cheng sees Rock's look is not, wondering: "Qiao Yun, what are you thinking?"

Rockwell said a little flusteredly: "Ah, I am thinking about the seven-star lucky card. Now that the grass has not been married, it seems that this money tree has to be owned by her."

Mo Cheng did not suspect him, and sighed and said: "Now I am more and more fond of the counter-female, unless she will marry in the future, or else the seven-star lucky card will not be able to turn us."

"I heard from me that although Zhao Lizhi died, but Zhao has other unmarried men. After a few days, Zhao will come to raise relatives. Let's think of another way." Rockwell lowered his voice and said.

Mo Cheng eyes brightened: "Really? That's great! At that time, I must grab the seven-star lucky card. Let's take a few more homes. Even if the Moh is really finished, let's eat and drink."


(End of this chapter)

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