Chapter 2017 is self-defeating

Ink is a glimpse. He specially sent people to guard the outside of the courtyard of Mo Cheng. He was afraid that he would come over and add chaos. How come he ran over?

Where does he know that this is naturally the beginning of the cloud, if Mo Cheng and Luo Shi are not coming, how can the good show be staged? I really look forward to the dog blood story that will be staged!

Mo Cheng did not speak. He saw that the Luo family had gone. Of course, he would not be stupid to sin, and with Rock and a pair of children, it was just to avoid the future resentment of his children.

Luo Shi saw that Luo Pingsheng was under control. When he saw the Luo family fire, he knew that Luo Jia was finished!

Luo Pingsheng saw that Rockwell had come over and his eyes were bright. In any case, first save the old life and say: "Qiaoyun, Fanghua, Junchen is squatting, and the Mohist owner spares me!"

Of course, Rockwell will not die, and with Mofanghua and Mo Junchen on the ground: "The public, Luo family is now going, it is a threat to our Mohist family. Please look at Fanghua and Junchen. Let me spare you!"

Mo Fanghua and Mo Junchen are also pleading, and Mo Cheng is somewhat unbearable. He said: "Hey, anyway, the Luo family is now finished. You will see the children, and spare my father-in-law!"

The ink-sucking head is awkward, how did he raise such an idiot? ! Doesn't he understand the truth of putting the tiger back to the mountain? !

"Let's get up, Luojia wolf ambition, can't help but go. Rockwell, what you do, I know it well, but when you give your second child a pair of children, I will spare you for a while. You If you are stubborn again, then you will blame me for turning ruthlessly." Mo Yan said with a sullen face and dissatisfaction.

Luo’s heart complained, why didn’t the family come over? Can't he see the Luo family fire? As long as he comes over and holds on to the ink, the Luo family can turn defeat into victory. However, what should I do now? If you delay it, I will be dead!

Luo Shi gave Mo Fanghua and Mo Junchen a look. Mo Fanghua took a dagger from the storage ring and slid it over his neck. Rockwell also did the same: "The public, if you don't promise to stay with me." My father has a life, and today our mother-in-law is in front of you."

At the beginning of the cloud, I am happy: "Two sisters, it’s the two of them, my brother and I don’t seem to want to die!"

Rockwell turned his head and saw that Mo Junchen was just squatting, and did not come up with a dagger. He said slyly: "Mother, I don't want to die."

Rockwell's gas almost turned away, this is just a matter of expediency, where do you need to die? Really an idiot!

Although Mo Cheng is dissatisfied with Rockwell recently, after all, the couples have been in love for so many years, not to mention that there is still a Mofanghua, and suddenly he has a claw: "Hey, you will spare my father-in-law! You always Can't you watch Qiao Yun and Fang Hua kill yourself?"

If you don't want Fanghua and Junchen, you should kill Rockwell, or else the second child will be soft, and you will come out sooner or later.

Mo Cheng saw that Mo Yan did not speak, biting his teeth, and he also took out a dagger across his neck: "Hey, if you don't agree, I won't live!"

The ink of the ink is almost squirting out of the old blood. This is where the son is. This is clearly the home!

Yunchu felt that it was her turn to appear, so she smiled and said: "Hey, don't be busy with yourself. See you before you die. This person is an old acquaintance of Ernie Niang!"

After the completion of the replenishment, a chapter will be added to the back of the bamboo.

(End of this chapter)

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