Chapter 2018 Angry Mo Cheng

Mo Cheng glanced at her: "Go and go! It's all about you, do you have so many things?!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I screamed: "Hey, you won't say that for a while, you will thank me! Black, bring the old acquaintance of Ernie Niang!"

Rock's heart is a sinking, she has a very ominous premonition. No, it is impossible, it will not be Hualang. His spiritual strength will not be caught by the monks of Mofangcao. It will not.

However, when she saw the black-clad person, the brain slammed, how could this be? How could Hua Lang fall into the hands of the monk?

Since Luo Jia did not live in Fengli City before his birth, Mo Cheng did not know Zhang Hua. He snorted: "Ignore it! Qiao Yun, do you know him?"

Rockwell tried to stay calm, but the voice still trembled: "He, he is my former neighbor."

"Hey, Ernie Niang, is it just as simple as a neighbor? I heard that you are a childhood friend!" said Yun Xiaoxiao.

Luo Shi saw the expression of suspicious expression on the face of Mo Cheng, and quickly said: "Fr., we played together when we were young, but when we grew up, we broke off. Grass, you hate me, you should not catch an innocent person. You are too much!"

Mo Cheng heard that Rockwell said this, and he was unwilling to think about it in a bad way, so he yelled: "Counter, roll!"

"Oh, don't worry about letting me roll. You should take a good look at this person's appearance. You don't have any other thoughts?" Yun said with a smile.

Instinct and unwillingness to look at Zhang Hua, black scorpion in order to make him see clearly, deliberately lifted Zhang Hua's head.

Mo Cheng looked at Zhang Hua’s face and felt familiar. Have you seen it before?

"Oh, don't you think that Zhang Hua and my brother-in-law are very similar? Hey, it's just a mold carved out. You said it's a coincidence?" said Yun Yunyi, who owed a child to his child.

Mo Cheng heard the words, subconsciously turned his face to see Mo Junchen, then turned to see Zhang Hua, repeated several times, his head slammed, almost fainted.

He originally thought that the ink of the Junjun was like Rock's more. I didn't expect it to be the adulterer!

He looked at Mo Fanghua again, although the appearance of seven points with Rockwell, but the slightly picking Dan Fengyan and this Zhang Hua are generally the same!

"Hey! You, you, I want to kill you!" Mo Cheng flipped Luo Shi to the ground and went up to slap in the face.

"French, hey! That monk is purely nonsense!" Rockwell now also refuses to play any self-defense drama, even crying and shouting explanation.

Where does Mo Cheng listen to her explanation, and now the evidence is conclusive, and there is no need to interrogate. Zhang Hua’s face is the best proof.

"Luo Qiaoyun, you, you are a curse! No wonder you took the initiative to climb my bed, it turned out to make me happy! I want to kill you!"

At the beginning of the cloud, I almost laughed and squirted. It’s really an image!

All the people present were shocked by this change!

Luo Ping was a little bit aware of this matter, but he did not think that Yunchu had actually caught Zhang Hua, and suddenly he knew that this time was completely over!

Mo Fanghua and Mo Junchen are even more unbelievable. They turned out to be Rock's and the adulterer's child? How is this possible?

"墨芳草! You are nonsense! You are a slut! You must not die!" Mo Fanghua, while he was hysterical, rushed over at the beginning of the cloud, and the dagger in his hand smashed the clouds. Front chest.

Add a more chapter and feel that you are awesome. Vote for the ticket to reward the bamboo! muah!

(End of this chapter)

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