Chapter 2055, the family came

After the burial of Ye’s cloak, I found out that Zhao’s work was solved, and I was going to find a place to continue the trial.

Falling phoenix forests can't go naturally, in case those high-order monsters can find revenge.

On the morning of this morning, Yunchu came to the study room of Mo Yan, and had not had time to try the trial. He managed to report: "Home, Moh, the family came."

Mo Yan immediately stood up, and some nervously asked: "Who is here?"

"It seems to be a matter of management. I listen to those who follow him and call him Liu Guan." He Guanjia said with uncertainty.

Ink is very unhappy, even if it is sent to a junior, it is at least a master. Now it is just a small management. This is not to put Fenglicheng Guangshun in the eye, this home It’s really deceiving too much!

When I saw the face of Mok, I could guess his mind, and said, "Grandfather, this family is too bullying! Come over the business of the Seven Star Lucky Card, even if you send someone with my peers." OK, I have sent a manager, and I don’t want to put them in my eyes."

Inklessly snorted: "No way, who makes this family big! I thought at the beginning, when we had no decline, who would dare to be a small one? Now it is not alright! Forget it, it is useless to live this leisurely. I used to see you!"

"Grandfather, I will go with you." Yun said at the beginning of the cloud.

Mo Yan thinks that the seven-star lucky card is the idea that Yun Yunyi came up with. She knows more about the specific things and let her go.

So, Mo Yan came to the living room with the first cloud.

Inside the living room, a triangular-eyed old man swayed and sat on the chair, holding a teacup and drinking tea.

The man saw the cloud and the ink came in, did not get up, and even the tea cup in his hand did not let go, continue to drink tea from there.

Ink's heart was even more unpleasant, sitting on the main seat, and the first cloud was sitting opposite the old-fashioned eye-catcher.

At this time, the old-fashioned eye-catcher finally put down the teacup, did not get up, just sitting there and holding a fist to the ink scorpion: "Four lords, I am the manager of the Mofu family, surnamed Liu. This time, come to take over Seven Star Lucky Card Business. When I entered the city, I went to the shop selling seven-star lucky cards. In order to facilitate our people to take over, the shop was also handed over to us. We are not cheaper. This is 100,000 top grades. Lingshi, right to buy your shop."

Because the ancestors of Mo Yan ranked fourth in the Mohist family, Liu Guanzhi called the four masters of Moh, but there is no respect in the tone.

The blue ribs of the ink forehead collapsed. The location of the grocery store was excellent. At least it could be worth tens of millions of top grades. He only gave 100,000. This is where you buy it. It is a rush!

"Liu Guanshi, we have another use in the shop, you still have to find another shop." Mo Yan finally managed to hold the fire in his heart.

Liu Guanshi immediately gloomy face: "Four lords, what is your intention? Do not say that our family is going to buy even if you want it, you don't have to give it? You don't forget, if it is not our family support It’s impossible for you to stand on the Western Front!

Ink is almost mad, this dog slave is too arrogant! Where is this attitude of slaves and the master? !

Just when the ink sorrow was angry, the change suddenly occurred.


A teacup smashed into Liu Guanshi, Liu Guanwu had no defense at all, and his forehead was suddenly taken out of blood, and the end of the tea was a paste.

The fifth is more. The remaining three chapters are updated at noon.

(End of this chapter)

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