Chapter 2056, violent Liu Guanwu

Liu Guanshi was defamed. After the reaction, he said with anger: "Small monk! You dare to swear me with a teacup?! You are looking for death!"

"Sorry, I was drinking tea, but the hand slipped, this cup went out!" Yunchu squatted his legs, and said nothing in his eyes.

"You! Four lords, who is this little monk? You let her be so confused?! If you don't care, I will do it myself." Liu Guan said with anger.

Ink's face is gloomy: "Liu Guanshi, this is my granddaughter."

The meaning of Mo Yan's words is that she is the master, you are a slave, you are a little bit of a monk, too much!

I didn't expect Liu Guanwu to buy it at all, and said coldly: "Since it is a young lady, there should be a young lady. The tutor of the four masters is really worse than the family!"

Liu Guan’s voice just fell, and Yun Yun’s first jump came to his face. The raised hand was two heavy slaps, followed by a heavy foot on Liu Guan’s waist.

Liu Guanshi was directly smashed into the doorway of the living room by this foot. It happened to be on the door sill, and the two big front teeth were cut off!

Liu Guanwu felt that his waist was about to be folded. He finally climbed up and spit a **** foam. His face was awkward at the beginning of the cloud.

At the beginning of the cloud, the lightness of the evasive opening, the reason why she dared to do this Liu Guan thing, is to find that this Liu Guan thing is only eight layers of spiritual respect, this goods are fine.

Both of them did not use spiritual power, and the body of the cloud was very fast, but after a dozen tricks, Liu Guanshi was turned to the ground by the beginning of the cloud.

"You are a dog slave! Dare to call me a small monk, said, in the end who is a monk?!" Yun Chuan holding a large kitchen knife in his hand in the face of Liu Guanshi smashed.

"Four lords, you, you will let this little, Miss treat me like this?" Liu Guanshi hardly swallowed the words of the monks.

Momo has long been dissatisfied with Liu Guanshi. Although she feels that the cloud is a little impulsive, she knows that she is a lot of mind, so she also said symbolically: "Floral, what are you doing? Not ready to let go. Liu Guanshi."

At the beginning of the cloud, Liu Guanzheng is two big slaps: "You are stinky, you dare to complain?! You a dog slave is not only disrespectful to my grandfather, but also dare to marry me is a small monk, I Just killing you, the family can't say anything!"

"You, you, the seven prime ministers in front of the prime minister, you hit me, I am playing the face of the family, you let me go!" Liu said that he was not guilty, he did not put a small branch in his eyes, where did he think? In the first day of the cloud, I was not afraid of the pervert.

"Let's let go of you? Think beautiful! Say, who is the monk?" The knife in the hand of Yunchu was lightly stroked, and the face of Liu Guanshi was cut open.

"You, you, I will not spare you!" Liu Guan's painful screams.

At the beginning of the cloud, he hooked his mouth and made a knife on his face: "Who is a monk?"

"I am a monk, I am a monk! Miss Fangcao, you spare me!" Liu Guanxu sees Mo Yan has been silent, and the cloud is really dare to start, bite his teeth, first perfuse the past and then say Then, pick up this monk again!

"It turns out that you are a curse! Hey, Liu Yiren, then you said that the idea of ​​using our 100,000 Lingshi to buy our shop is what you mean by the family?" After the first question, the dark stamp was opened. Recorded stone.

(End of this chapter)

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