Chapter 2076 Thunder City

Fengli City is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the extreme south, so it takes at least half a month to arrive.

In the meantime, Momo sent a voice to the cloud to ask for some things. When I knew that the goods went to the far south, I almost spurted out the old blood.

"Fang grass, you are just a mess! Why do you want to run so far to try?"

"Grandfather, I am not a fool. On the one hand, I feel that the monsters in the far south are more powerful. On the other hand, there are many unique properties in the southern part of the country. If you can ship them to other places to sell, you will be able to make big money. So, I decided to check it out." Yunchu knows the dead spots of Mo Yan, as long as he can make money, everything else is easy to say.

Sure enough, the tone of Mo Yan suddenly eased: "Well, since you are almost there, I said nothing is useless, you must be more careful, come back soon."

After the first wave of the cloud promised a voice, he licked his mouth and put away the voice, and the old fox was more greedy than her.

As the distance is getting closer and closer to the south, the temperature is getting higher and higher. Fortunately, everyone is a person of cultivation, but it can also endure.

On this day, everyone arrived at the thundering city closest to the Thunder Valley.

Perhaps because of the hot climate here, the local people in Thunder City are generally darker than those in other places. The dress is also very cool. The man is shirtless and the woman is exposed with a small waist.

Blackbird and others want to see and feel a little embarrassed, so the eyes are very funny.

At the beginning of the cloud, I screamed: "The girls are not shy. What are the embarrassing things for your big men?! It’s a shame!"

Black cockroaches, etc. are said to be flushed, and they don’t know what to say, but they are also quite frank. Occasionally, when a beautiful woman passes by, she will also have a few eyes.

The dark wind also followed them this time, and did not hide in the dark, this goods can not dare to look around, for fear that in the future, the cloud will start a small report with Jin Zhi.

However, the beginning of the cloud found a strange thing. It is reasonable to say that Leicheng is just a small town. I didn’t expect it to be overcrowded, and most of them are foreigners. Are they ready to go to the Thunder Valley to try their luck? of?

Since the first arrival, Yunchu decided to stay in the city of Thunder, and then inquire about the situation in the Thunder Valley.

Although the cloud is greedy for money, but the sales will not blame himself and his companions, find the biggest inn in the city of Thunder, and want to set five rooms, but did not expect the fat shopkeeper shook his head: "This lady, really I am sorry, our room has been set, there is no room left."

When Blackbird and others heard that they were about to turn and leave, Yun’s first **** were extended: “I’m double!”

Fat shopkeeper reveals a difficult color: "Miss, really not..."

"Five times!"

"Okay, well, if you don't want to give up, I will give you the backyard. Although it is not on the house, the single-family house is more clean. You see, OK?"

For the money, the fat shopkeeper is also going out. He decided to play the ground floor in the lobby. As for his wife and children, it would be nice to go back to the house.

"Yes, let's go out to eat first, you will let the place vacate, and these five thousand top grades are used as deposits." Yunchu said while turning Lingshi to the fat shopkeeper.

The fat shopkeeper smiled like a flower, nodded and sent a few people out of the inn.

The computer crashed, reinstalled the system, reinstalled the various software, and tossed it until 11 o'clock. The words that had been solidified in the input method were gone. The code only wrote one chapter in an hour. So today I can only get a chapter more, I am really sorry. The remaining seven chapters will be updated at noon tomorrow, and the bamboo will add two more chapters as compensation. Once again, I apologize and can't help it.

(End of this chapter)

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