Chapter 2077, Blue Sky 霹雳

The black face and other people's face is stiff, and it really means that money can make the ghosts grind! It is no wonder that this little ancestor is so greedy, it is so good to have money!

At the beginning of the cloud, the crowd went to the biggest restaurant in Thunder City for lunch.

Blackbird and other people and the cloud began to smash out more times, so they were less cautious. The people sat around a table and ordered a rich table to start eating and drinking.

The beginning of the cloud did not choose the elegant room, but chose a window by the window on the first floor, because the goods are ready to collect the gossip.

There are a lot of guests in the restaurant, most of them are talking and eating, and they are talking about the latest gossip.

The beginning of the cloud soon heard a good news for others, but it was a news of her blue sky.

That is, although the Thunder Valley is shrouded by lightning all the year round, but every five thousand years, lightning will stop for two hours, which is a great opportunity to go to pick the elixir.

Coincidentally, tomorrow is a good day for the 5,000-year-old, so the city of Thunder will suddenly come in so many foreigners.

Fortunately, the city of Thunder is remote, and many people do not know this place, otherwise the number will be more than this.

At the beginning of the cloud, I sighed in my heart. I still wanted to upgrade and make a fortune. I didn’t expect the unlucky one to catch up with such a day.

Although the two hours are very short, but so many people flocked in, it is just like the locusts, it is estimated that only some hidden medicines can be spared, it is unlucky!

The goods turned their eyes, it seems that it is time to hurry, and it is best to go to the Thunder Valley for a while. However, she thought that this would not work. Now there must be a lot of people in the valley of the Thunder Valley. When they go in and find that the elixir has been picked, they will find that she is a ghost, and it is simply guilty.

Think of this, this goods bite the teeth, the decision of meat pain, forget, although the elixir is important, but it is still important to lose a little life, loss points will be lost! Well, this shameless goods have already regarded the elixir of the Thunder Valley as her private property.

Everyone had lunch, and the clouds had been swaying in the street. Most of them bought some food, and then they went back to the inn with full load.

Far away, I saw a lot of people around the entrance of the inn, and the cloud was hooked at the corner of the mouth, and there was a lively look!

At the beginning of the cloud, I squeezed to the front and saw that the fat shopkeeper was whispering and apologizing to a man: "This son, I am not bullying you, our inn really has no room."

The man looked like he was in his early twenties. He couldn’t see his spiritual level at the beginning of the cloud. The man looks very handsome, but he has a slight squint and looks very proud.

After hanging the eye, he followed ten followers, one of them was also arrogant, and the nose was facing the sky.

Hearing the apology of the fat shopkeeper, a triangular eye behind the eyelids followed the hand of the fat shopkeeper: "Hey, are you not deliberately deceiving? Why do we have to go forward, then the group of people have a room? I listen It is said that they have paid five times the price, so you will vacate the backyard. If you go, you are deceiving our young master!"

Fat shopkeepers see these people are not easy to provoke, naturally you dare not tough, just a sigh of explanation: "The son, the backyard was originally our two people living, how can the conditions be so good to let your noble guests condescend?"

Hanging his eyes and licking his mouth: "There is no such thing as Jane. At least the single-family, the son decided to live. You took the previous few people out to the son, and the son must live in it!"

(End of this chapter)

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