Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2096: Not irritating but not afraid of things

Chapter 2096 does not cause trouble but is not afraid of things

The guest is with the Lord, and Mo Yan is naturally not good at saying anything, so he will agree with a few words.

Mo Yanan also took a few words, and then called a woman: "Thank you for your management, you take your brother and the grass to go to the guest house to rest, rest slowly, or severely punish."

"Yes, Master."

Xie Guanwu took the ink and the cloud to the guest house, and the men and women were different. The ink and the cloud were not arranged in a yard. The ink scorpion lived in the Fufeng Pavilion. It was in the Xiaoyue Pavilion next door.

At the beginning of the cloud, I couldn’t help myself. The name of the courtyard was quite elegant. Unfortunately, this heart is really embarrassing.

This goods is a little excited, Feng Mocheng's Mojia old house has been tired of this, this Mohist family must have a lot of interesting white lotus and slag, think about some of the blood boiling!

Four stupid heads flashed a word at the same time, metamorphosis!

Others are more than one thing less than a thing, this black heart of the owner is good, hate can not fall down this day, let her kneel on two feet, metamorphosis!

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t think about the stupidity of the stupid people. The sorcerer said, your family’s declaration is that you don’t make trouble, but you are not afraid of it! Whoever provokes the hoe, kills him!

When Yunchu was in the middle of a few stupid and sorrowful, two maids came out to meet her in Xiaoyue Pavilion. Obviously, they had been confessed before, so both of them knew the identity of Yunchu, and said while saluting: Spring Moon has seen Miss Fangcao."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded, indicating that the two were excused, and did not speak or have any other indications.

Although Chunxiao and Chunyue didn't show up on the surface, they couldn't help but scorn, and it really was the inferior from the Western China. It was so embarrassing that even the face-to-face ceremony didn't know the reward. It was unlucky to send her to serve her!

The thank-you thing was also slightly stunned: "Miss Fangcao, the slave, this is the first to retire. If you have something, let Chunxiao and Chunyue go to the slave."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded and then stepped on the Xiaoyue Pavilion.

After thanking the management for some distance, he took a sip. He thought that the grandparents and grandchildren who received this Guangshun branch could get a reward. I didn’t expect it to be a stubborn master. It was a trick!

This matter, it is really not bad, because Xie Guan is a woman, he is not good to reward, he thought that Yunchu will certainly appreciate the money, so did not say.

As for the beginning of the cloud, although the money is bulging, but it will only spend money on the blade, thank you, this kind of person, is the kind of white-eyed wolf that feeds too much, the cloud will not naturally waste.

After the cloud broke into the Xiaoyue Pavilion, it was found that this courtyard was really exquisite. There were a lot of flowers and plants in the yard, and there was a swing. I wanted to come to this Xiaoyue Pavilion to prepare for the son-in-law.

"Chunxiao, Chunyue, these Lingshi take it to buy some rouge gouache!"

When Yunchu said, he transferred from the storage ring to Chunxiao and Chunyue, each of whom had 10,000 top grade Lingshi. The two were shocked!

Originally thought that this Miss Fangcao was a hairless cock, I did not expect the shot to be so generous! This ordinary master rewards up to a few hundred Lingshi, I did not expect her to reward so much!

When the two men just wanted to shirk, they heard that Yunchu said: "I didn’t appreciate you just now, I was afraid that I would be seen by the thank you. It’s not easy for you to be a maid. There are masters and there are those who are under the management. You just put it in. If someone asks, let me say that I have rewarded you with hundreds of spirits."

(End of this chapter)

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