Chapter 2097 is kind and understanding

Chunxiao and Chunyue heard the beginning of the cloud saying that the nose was a bit sour. They had the lowest status of these maids. Which one is not high? I want to fight and I want to fight, I don’t think that this Miss Fangcao is not only generous, but also so thoughtful for them, it is too kind.

The two shirked a few words, and when they saw the attitude of the cloud, they calmed down the spirit stone, and the attitude immediately became diligent.

At the beginning of the cloud, I was proud of it. This money is worth the price. If I give it a thousand spiritual stones, it will be a float. I will give these two maids, they must be moved.

This cargo has always believed in one thing, that is, never to underestimate some of the bottom small people. How can it be said that the water can carry a boat and the people can overcome the power of the people...

At the beginning of the cloud, I took a hot bath and took out the words sitting on the swing and watching it leisurely.

Chunxiao and Chunyue thought that Yun Yun had rewarded them with so many spiritual stones, and they would inquire about some of the Mohist family and the five-room. I didn’t expect that Yun’s first words were not mentioned, and the two people felt that this grass was even more Miss is really kind and understanding, it is the best master in the world.

Soon after dinner time, the thank-you incident came over to Momo and Yunchu to go to dinner.

When the two grandparents and grandchildren had not entered the banquet hall, they heard the laughter and laughter inside, and there were obviously many people inside.

Ink whispered a few words at the beginning of the cloud, telling her not to make a fuss, and the cloud nodded at the beginning, giving Mo Yan a peace of mind.

To tell the truth, Mo Zhen is really not at ease, this little girl is not afraid of fear, although it will end in the end, but this process is really frightening!

"Hey, Master, Miss Grass!" There is a high-pitched preaching.

The sound inside stopped abruptly, and everyone's eyes converge on the ink and the clouds.

Although Mo Zhen is a little nervous in his heart, after all, it is after the big winds and waves, so his behavior is still normal. He worried about the first half of the cloud that was behind her. I saw that the corner of the mouth was slightly tilted, with a delicate smile, and then I let go of my heart.

There are about a dozen men and women in the hall. There is an old man sitting in the main seat. It must be white. It is estimated that the five uncles, that is, the five elders of the Mohist family.

At the beginning of the cloud, she did not find an old lady of the same age as the five elders. It is estimated that the five elders’ wife had already died.

Standing in the lower right hand is Mo Yanan and an old lady. The rest of the people are only swept away. Judging from the age, those people should be the sons or grandchildren of Mo Yanan. There is no brother in the ink.

The first thing about Mo Yan and Yun Chuan is naturally to give the five elders a courtesy.

"When you see the five uncles!"

"Fangcao meets five grandfathers!"

The five elders and long eyebrows shook a bit, and did not immediately let the two flat, but after taking the teacup and drinking two teas, this said: "Bat it!"

At the beginning of the cloud, my heart is dark, hehe! Which big dish is the garlic? !

Mo Yan and Yun Chuan gave Mercury and the old lady a courtesy. After the two chilled a few words, they greeted the juniors and came to see the sorrows. The first time they gave them a gift...

After a while, the two sides finished the ceremony.

(End of this chapter)

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