Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2102: Full of wind and rain (question for monthly pass)

Chapter 2102 Chapter City Storm (seeking a monthly ticket)

Mo Yanan said that this is quite a bit of the meaning of no silver in this place. The four people looked at each other. There was some suspicion in their hearts. Now they have deepened their doubts.

Ink has all snorted: "The matter will be said later, anyway, we have to check the accounts once every six months. We are not here because of business matters, but because of your hospitality."

Mo Yan An Yi: "What happened to Guangshun Branch? I have arranged for the ink and ink grass to go to the house, and sent people to serve delicious food, and arranged a feast. Is there anything wrong?" ”

The four-room Mo Yanping snorted and said: "Diane, you can really put gold on your face. Is there anything wrong? Do you know how people in Fuhucheng are talking about it now?"

The two grandchildren of the family and grandchildren came, and your five rooms just met and gave them a horse. Although you later said that the Zhu Guanjia is good at making claims, but no one is a fool, is he so courageous?

Estimated to be your inspiration, right? Hey, even if the two grandparents live in the house, you can do this kind of thing. ”

Mo Yifu has always been dissatisfied with the five-room holdings and the business of the western continent. Now, finally, there is an opportunity, and naturally it will not let go.

The ink of the three rooms also echoed: "That is, you are doing something wrong with you. This is all right. I heard that these five elders of your five rooms did not give a gimmick." ?

Five brothers, I am not talking about you, are you too small, too? People's Guangshun branch is not giving you a gift, you are not a haircut? It is really a shame for our family! Now I’m talking about this thing all over the street, I have no face to go out! ”

Mo Yanan is forced!

For a long time, I said: "The things of Zhu Guanjia are put aside. How do we know if we have not given a five-room room to meet outsiders?"

Ink and sorrow grinned: "Fangcao Shantou bought a lot of things yesterday. Others asked her why she bought so many things. She didn't say anything about her life. Then some people guessed that 80% was because you didn't give her a face-to-face ceremony. She bought so many things and was ready to go back to the scene.

Five younger brothers, as for the fact that you didn’t give a meeting, it’s estimated that the next person’s mouth is not strict, and people’s grasses can’t say anything. ”

"Diane, shouldn't you have a five-room meeting to see this ceremony? It's too inappropriate for this thing to be done. Let's say that it is a third-class family. If this thing is spread out, it is really ridiculous for other families. You still want to make some way to make up for it." Mo Yan said with dissatisfaction.

Mo Yan'an's face was blue and white, and he did not put the ink and the cloud in his eyes. I feel that it is just a branch. It is good to let them come to the East China for a long time, so I don’t care too much about the meeting. I didn’t give it!

Where do you think, but it is more than a day, even the troubles of the city, what is the mouth of more people? It is awful!

He did not doubt the beginning of the cloud, because before the cloud and the ink sputum had already said, she bought things in order to go back to the imitation, and did not mention the things to meet.

Moreover, the rumors on the street did not mention that it was said by the beginning of the cloud, and he did not think that the girl would complain loudly outside without receiving a face-to-face ceremony.

Eighth. Today's bamboo performance is not bad, right? Come, enjoy the monthly ticket to encourage bamboo! Good night, what?

(End of this chapter)

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