Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2103: Face and heart disagreement

Chapter 2103 is inconsistent with the heart

Mo Yan's face changed a few times, and he said with a gloomy face: "Big brother, this is indeed a bad thing, I will find a way to make up."

Mo Yan nodded all the way: "Diane, not to be your brother's harsh blame, there are a lot of eyes staring at us, if you are a little careless, our third-class family status will not be guaranteed. Although the Shunzhi is the Western continent, but these months have helped us make a lot of money, this surface of the effort is still to be done."

"That is, Diane, you can't get out of the five-room meeting," said the ink of the second room.

Mo Yanan was angered by the fall of disgrace, and said dissatisfiedly: "Second brother, this is something I did not do properly, but what do you mean by talking with a gun? If you are dissatisfied with me, just say it."

Innocent is not to be outdone: "Diane, what is a gun with a stick? I am telling the truth, it doesn't matter if you don't face yourself, we have to go to the other four rooms! This good thing doesn't go out, bad things pass thousands of miles, it is estimated that The family already knows this thing, not necessarily how to laugh at us!"

Mo Yanan listened to him so naturally, he was even more angry: "Who do you want to face? I see you are deliberately looking for 茬..."

Ink 霄 霄 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个 两个I don't have to say anything else, you have to find a way to make up for it. In addition, after the wedding is over, you will definitely go to the houses with your gimmicks, and you should not have five rooms."

After all, Mo Zhen was the owner of the house, and Mo Yan'an and Mo Yan's face were awkward, so they nodded and said yes.

The five people briefly talked a few words, and then the four people of Mo Yan left to leave.

When Mo Yanan sent four people back, he smashed the teapot and the bowl of tea, and calmed down a little, then he went to see the five elders.

After seeing the five elders, Mo Yanan said things through the same thing: "Father, this is a matter of meeting the face, although we are doing something wrong, but the other four rooms are not going to collectively come and swear, I think they are right. Dissatisfied with the business of the company and Guangshun Branch, took the opportunity to beat our five rooms."

The five elders were silent for a moment, and they said coldly: "What you said makes sense, the big room is still a little better, and the other three rooms are not allowed to make some mistakes and rob the business. This is indeed a bad thing for me to consider. The meeting ceremony was made up, and the grades were higher. Then the matter was spread out, and it was said that the five-room meeting was intended to be given to the grass with the rest of the room. Now I am afraid that people will be misunderstood, so I will give it in advance. ”

Ink 霄 霄 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 愣 霄 愣 愣 愣 愣 霄 霄 霄 霄 霄Dropped the handle."

The five elders’ mouths sneered a little sneer: “Our generation has been fighting for it, but we have to fight together with the four brothers. If the whole kid is not behind, the Moh will not fall on him. On hand, let me know now, I hope I can get another four, when is the time when our five rooms are in charge of the Mohist."

Mo Yanan naturally said that the four old guys must have died in front of the five elders, so he said: "Father, we can laugh at the last five rooms."

(End of this chapter)

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