Chapter 2118 hooks up the elders

"Grandfather, you are right, Mo Yanan must be disappointed because the elders are physically unaffected. The reason why he accompanied us to the big room is to explore the physical condition of the elders."

The reason why the beginning of the cloud did not say it in a straightforward way was to let Mo Yan guess it himself, just to make him more convinced.

Ink sighed: "I didn't expect this home to be a beach, but what does this have to do with our return to the East?"

"Grandfather, because it is a beach of water, we have the opportunity to fish in troubled water!" Yun said with a smile, the reason why she had the above speculation, one did observe the change of Mo Yanan, but more important When I saw the elders, the grotesque restlessness said that we should eat good things.

After the cloud began to suppress the weeds, when I came back, I asked the strange grass to smell something. After several guesses, I finally determined that the elders took a drug that could stimulate the body's potential for a short time.

This kind of remedy can be said to be more harmful than good. For example, if you can live for ten years, after eating this medicine, it is estimated that there will be seven or eight years to live.

Since the elders have made such a large blood, it means that they are extremely alert to Mo's security, which indirectly shows that the battle of the family has deteriorated.

“Looking at the fish in the water? What do you want to do?” Mo Yan is both uneasy and agitated, and the mood is very complicated.

"Grandfather, the five-room we don't count on it! We fed them so much, but they are still so slow to treat us. The hard work of the second room is not a big deal, but the three-bedroom and four-bedroom have not yet gone, but It is estimated that it is similar to the second room, and there is no use value.

Our best choice is to hook up with the big house, they have money, they have the right, it is a wonderful combination. ”

Hook up? Momo is not in the mood to care about the words of Yunchu, and he does not agree with it. "You are talking about lightness. The big room is a well-deserved one. Where can you see it? You don't see Ink is all right on the face, but it is only superficial."

"Ink is not a good candidate. The person is too conservative. It is not a big thing! Let's hook up with the elders, the actual power of the family."

"Great elders? Grass, you will not think that you have an alchemy furnace today, so I think the elders will look at you with great enthusiasm? You are too naive!" Mo Yan could not help but shake his head, the grass is still too tender The idea is too naive.

At the beginning of the cloud, Xiaoxiao said: "Grandfather, I am not stupid enough to go to that share. This thing should be slowly illustrated. If you can't see one side, then you can see two sides. If you can't do it on both sides, then see three sides. If you can't see it on three sides, see you every day. !

Just follow what I said. You can rest assured that even if I can't hook up with the elders, there will be nothing. The people in the five rooms are just thinking that I want the sparrow to become a phoenix. ”

Ink still feels that this thing is too sinister, and sighed: "The grass, even if you are right, but the elders will meet you?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I hooked my mouth: "Grandfather, you believe me, others may not see the elders, I will see them, and every time I go, he will see me."

Mo Yan thinks that the beginning of the cloud is a bit feverish, let alone her, even the five elders dare not say this, the elders want to see where you can see? !

Eighth. Dear, good morning, what?

(End of this chapter)

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