Chapter 2119 is really fun

Momo took a look at the beginning of the cloud: "The grass, the elders are what you want to see? Although the article you said is the road, but this road does not work."

"Grandfather, or else we will make a gamble. If you have had breakfast the day after tomorrow, you will take me to the big room. I promise that the elders will meet me." Yun said with a smile.

The ink smudged at the beginning of the cloud said that it was very calm, and the temptation to return to the East China was too big, so he bit his teeth: "Well, if you can't see the elders the day after tomorrow, then you will be safe." Don't get into trouble anymore."

After the cloud first nodded and agreed, the two grandparents ate and chatted, and in the afternoon accompanied by Mo Yongfei, they rushed to the Mojia three rooms.

Sure enough, as expected by the beginning of the cloud, the attitude of the three rooms to the ink and the cloud was basically the same as that of the second room. The two did not see the three elders.

When Mo Yan and Yun Yun’s resignation, Mo Yangui only symbolically retained it, and his attitude was very perfunctory.

The next morning, the two grandparents and the two families in the Mojia family were treated the same. They also did not see the four elders. They talked a few words and returned to the Mojiawufang.

When no one is there, the cloud whispered in a whisper: "Grandfather, that is, granddaughter, I am clever, otherwise the gangsters will definitely be in vain, we can lose money!"

It’s natural and uncomfortable for Moh to be so slow. The plan that I talked about at the beginning of the cloud is even more heart-warming: “Floral grass, can you really see the elders tomorrow?”

"Grandfather, rest assured! I promised you something, which one did not do? However, tomorrow, when you arrive at the big house, you must listen to some cynicism and some white eyes, you have to endure it." Eyes, although Mo Yan is an old fox of the old tycoon, but now has a common interest with her, but also to maintain the relationship.

"This is nothing, but my grandfather still feels that the elders may not be willing to see you. If the elders don't see you, then don't you come, don't you hear them?" Mo Yan did not rest assured that this grass is not afraid of fear. It is impossible to predict what kind of moths she will have in the next moment.

After the first letter of the cloud was promised, this left the inkfield's yard and returned to his Xiaoyue Pavilion.

When I first entered the yard, I heard that Mo Fangjiao said impatiently: "Mo Fangcao, where have you been? How come back?"

At the beginning of the cloud, the face is so arrogant, is this ink Fang Jiao sick? What kind of special place do I have a half-money relationship with her? Can't it be addicted to me?

Although the goods vomited in my heart, my face said with a smile: "Fangjiao sister, how can I be so busy today? Looking for my sister, do I have something?"

Mo Fang Jiao took a look at her and then asked: "I heard that you played the second room of the ink Fangzhu yesterday?"

Yunchu swayed and shook his head: "Fangjiao sister, how can I have such a big courage to tease Fangzhu sister? I just made a joke with her, and she was still anxious."

Mo Fangjiao showed a gloating sorrow on his face: "Others have praised her show outside Huizhong, and the quiet and dignified originals are just like this, and they have been played by you."

At the beginning of the cloud, I didn’t talk to my eyes. It seems that this family is not only a great battle for the older generation, but even the ink-and-shoulders are not in harmony.

This mouth is hooked, good, very good, the baby likes this messy situation, it is fun!

(End of this chapter)

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