Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2120: Don't provoke Mo Fangbing

Chapter 2120 Don't provoke Mo Fangbing

Mo Fangjiao also asked some details of the beginning of the cloud, Yun Yun knows everything, and the linguistics of the expression of Mo Fangzhu at that time, the scent of the fragrant smile of Mo Fangjiao, feels very deflated.

"Mofangcao, I didn't expect you to have a little skill in this vat. Look at what you are so happy with today, Miss Ben sent you a favor. I tell you, in the girls of Moh, you don't want to provoke anyone." Fang Bing sister, or you must die very hard to see." Mo Fang Jiao said with a grin.

"Fangjiao sister, how can I not understand? I saw Fangbing sister when I went to the big house. Although it looks a little cold, but it looks okay, why do you say that she is very difficult to provoke?" At first sight, her eyes flashed, and she didn't think that Mo Fangjia would be so kind.

"Hey! I didn't know what I saw. I didn't know it! Fang Bing sister is not only her own superb power, but her ancestors are second-class families. Although her mother is a prostitute, she is much higher than others.

Therefore, Fang Bing’s sister looks like a fairy who does not eat human fireworks. In fact, she has never looked at our cousins.

Fang Qiao, who used to have four rooms, said that her ugly words were heard by Fang Bing’s sister. Fang Bing’s sister directly slaped her two slaps, and threatened that if she heard her again, she would let Fang Qiao never say no. words.

Mofangcao, I heard that the elders have rewarded you with an alchemy furnace. Fang Bing’s sister must be very uncomfortable in his heart. Maybe he will find you trouble, so you should not go to the big room in the future. If you go, Fang Bing sister may have discounted your legs! "Mu Fangjiao said contemptuously, the words are full of provocations.

At the beginning of the cloud, she snorted in the dark. She felt that Mo Fangjiao was exaggerating. The mother of Mo Fangbing was only a prostitute of the second-class family. What could be a means? If it is really so favored, the elders will not choose to take the tiger wolf medicine to shake the rest of the four rooms.

When Yun’s eyeballs turned slightly, they understood the intention of Mo Fangjiao. It is estimated that this ink Fangjiao thought she was stupid. Since even the two Fangfang’s ink beads would dare to tease, maybe she would go to find ink after a few words. Fangbing is in trouble, and I don’t know if this ink Fangjiao head is sick. Does she think that others are fools?

Of course, there is another possibility, that is, Mo Yanan instructed Mo Fangjiao to say so, the purpose is obvious, that is to let Guangshun support the big house, and firmly control the Guangshun branch in the hands of the five rooms.

"Fang Jiao sister, thank you for reminding. However, I think Fang Bing sister should be reasonable, and will not target me for no reason. If she is really unreasonable, my grandfather will not spare her.

Just tomorrow, I have nothing to do. I will let my grandfather take me to the big room again. I will see if Fang Bing’s sister will target me. "The beginning of the cloud is somewhat convinced."

"Hey, since you don't listen to my advice, don't rely on me after that." Mo Fangjiao's eyes flashed a little smug, this soil buns really fooled, she and Mo Fangbing fight well, no matter Whoever loses money is relieved.

When I saw the look of Mo Fangjiao at the beginning of the cloud, I knew that it was the first possibility that she had guessed, not the inspiration of Mo Yanan. This is also good, so if you go to the big room tomorrow, there is an excuse to avoid Mo Zhenan doubt.

(End of this chapter)

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