Chapter 2121 visits the big house again

Mo Fangjiao and Barabara said a pass, the center content is nothing more than Mo Fangbing is not easy to provoke, advised Yun Yun not to go and swear.

However, it is not so much a persuasion, it is better to say that it is a radical, Mo Fangjiao can not immediately go to find the ink of Fang Fang, but his heart is very proud, hey, but it is just a dumpling. The last time she was at the wedding party was her intention. Otherwise, this earthen buns can't make her eat.

After a while, Mo Fang left the Xiaoyue Pavilion with satisfaction.

At the beginning of the cloud, I looked at the back of Mo Fangjiao and hooked it up. It’s good to have such a clever God assist.

The next day, after breakfast, the maids and Mo Yanan in the courtyard of the Mohist School reported aloud, saying that some things on the alchemy were not well understood, so he had to go to see the elders with the clouds. .

It happened that Mo Fangjiao asked Mo Yanan and Wang Lao’s wife to ask Ann, and said the last night’s thing: “Grandfather, I guess this Mofang grass is not going to see the elders. After all, the elders can’t see her. She must have been troubled by my sister to find Fang Bing's sister, and then lied to her grandfather to ask questions about the elder medicine."

Mo Yan has a beard and he feels that Mo Fangjiao makes sense. Mo Yan was too fooled, and was actually deceived by the little girl of Mo Xiangcao.

However, they have to touch the nails, so they will follow their five rooms more deadly. If Mo Xiangcao and Mo Fangbing fight, it would be better. Before Mo Yanquan, he still taught him to hear him, and see what other face he was saying this time.

"Fang Jiao, you have done a good job, and sure enough, I have grown up." Mo Yanan said with approval.

Mo Fangjiao's face was red, and some embarrassed and modest words, but the heart was happy to open the flowers, this soil buns came, but it brought her a lot of benefits.

On the other hand, Mo Yan and Yunchu have already arrived outside the Mojia big house.

Since I have already been there, the two grandparents and grandchildren who did not use the five-bedroom have led the way and walked directly outside the Mojia big house.

Before the guards of the big house saw the ink and the clouds, I was so polite. After the ceremony, I went straight to the notice.

When Mo Yan heard the guardian’s report, he could not help but frown. What did the Guangshun people do? It’s hard to be because I didn’t eat last time, so I want to make up this time?

Ink is full of pouting, but it is really a small family habit, but people are coming, naturally can not refuse to go out, hold back the impatience of the heart, let his son Mo Yongzhi invited the two grandparents to the living room.

"Big brother, I have a ruthless request this time. I have been trapped by a problem of alchemy in these days. I have to beg me to ask her to see the uncle, you see?" I told the beginning of the cloud to his designed lines.

Ink can't help but frown. This ink is really a nose on his face. He thought that his father would like to see it. He wouldn't think that his father had won an alchemy stove with a little girl. Would you really treat the little girl with a different look? There is really no self-knowledge.

Ink thought all over here, his face said slightly: "Hey, my brother, I am not close to human feelings. It is really a busy father's business, and the age is already high. If the grass has a doubt about alchemy, I can help. An alchemy teacher gave her an answer, you can rest assured that our big house is responsible for the repair."

(End of this chapter)

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