Unbelievable Ninth Young Miss: Emperor, Don’t Run Away!

Chapter 2139: Not afraid of moving things

Chapter 2139 is not afraid of moving things.

After another two days, Xie Guanji came back to the door again: "Miss Fangcao, Miss Fang Bing invited you to visit the government."

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it: "Only invite me alone? Can Fangjiao sister go?"

The face of Xie Guan is slightly unnatural: "Miss Fang Bing only invites you alone."

At the beginning of the cloud, he nodded. "Well, then you said to my grandfather, and sent me a few guards. What if I have someone attacking me? I am really scared!"

Although she was not willing to say a hundred things in her heart, she did not dare to say anything more. After she had asked for Mo'an, she sent five guards to Yunchu to **** her to the Mojia big house.

After the cloud and the ink singer greeted him, he took the five guards and foxes to the Hujia big house.

The five guards had their own guests in the big room, and Yunchu was brought to the courtyard of Mofangbing by Caiyun.

Yunchu knows that Mo Fangbing has to beat her again. This product does not care at all. As long as it is a mouthful, she is never afraid.

Sure enough, after seeing the beginning of the cloud, Mo Fangbing said coldly, but it was nothing more than warning the beginning of the cloud to recognize his identity. Do not have any thoughts, otherwise she would like to look good.

"Fang Bing sister, what you said is right, it is also very reasonable. But, you have to figure out one thing, not that I have to come, the elders let me come, you are still talking to the elders. It’s better.” Yun said with a smile.

Mo Fangbing was dumbfounded and speechless: "You, good, good, ink grass, I really looked down on you, let's walk!"

The beginning of the cloud does not matter, shrugging his shoulders, as long as the big elder tree is hugged, the small vine of Mofangbing is not afraid.

Although Mo Fangbing hated to succumb to the beginning of the cloud, he still let Caiyun bring the cloud to the outside of the courtyard of the elders.

After the beginning of the cloud, I saw that the elders were drinking tea behind the book, and the color was better than the previous days.

"I have seen the old man, your spirit is very good today, is it that I am coming, so happy?" Yun said at the beginning of the face.

The elders almost didn't lie, and such a cheeky person is no one!

"Sit down! I am looking for you this time. I think you know my intentions. I think your proposal can be considered. But it matters, I can't make a hasty decision. So I need to examine you for a while, then Then make the final decision." The elders said seriously.

"Grandpa, you can rest assured that I will perform well." Yunchu said with confidence, just give the opportunity.

Therefore, from this day, Yunchu is often invited to the big room to be a guest.

Although the people in the big elders’ glasses house said nothing, but the paper can’t hold the fire, the rest of the four-room people still knew about the things that Yunchu and the elders learned about alchemy.

However, compared with the big house, the other four rooms are much calmer. They feel that they can learn from school. What can a small girl with five clothes be?

Although Mou'an doubts that Guangshunzhi is going to climb a big house, but he thinks it is unlikely, although Guangshunzhi can make money, but the big house will not risk the risk of tearing his face with the five rooms. Collusion, so I didn't care too much.

This evening, Yunchu started to finish the meal from the elders and squatted back to the five rooms.

After practicing for a while in bed, I felt a burning pain in my right hand again.

(End of this chapter)

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