Chapter 2140 Cooked Shrimp

During this time, the right hand of the cloud will have a burning sensation, and the beginning of the cloud is still very difficult to bear. It takes a lot of buckets of water to ease.

Later, it may be numb, as long as it is soaked in the water for a while.

At the beginning of the cloud, a bucket of water was made from the storage ring, and then the right hand was placed inside. Soon, a bucket of originally cold well water began to rise in heat.

This product will also be bitter, self-deprecating said: "This is not bad, at least not need to burn the bath water, just waiting for this bucket of water to cool a little to bathe."

After a while, the water temperature dropped, and the goods were in the bath in the beautiful bath.

At this moment, the outside door opened, and the voice of Emperor Beibei was heard: "Xiaojiu, I am coming to see you."

The original door was inserted from the inside, but it was too simple for Emperor Beibei, and the door was bolted to the door.

When Yunchu started to hear the door, he had to put on his clothes, at least to cover the blankets, but when he heard the sound of the emperor, the goods were stunned and did not move, and they continued to bathe beautifully.

When the emperor entered the bedroom, he saw a large bath in the center of the house, and the water vapor was lingering. The little face of his little wife was slightly stunned by the heat, and he looked at him with a smile.

Emperor Bei’s body was stagnant, and he didn’t know what to say for a while. He stared at the cloud and didn’t speak.

At the beginning of the cloud, I took a handful of water and poured it on the face of Emperor Beibei: "Hey! Goose goose, are you stupid?"

Emperor Beibei was slowing down, and his face was red, and he said with shame: "I don't know how to take care of the bath! Fortunately, I came in. If someone else comes in, what should I do?"

At the beginning of the cloud, he said with a grin, "I have put the door bolts up, and then I heard that it was your voice, so I didn't get up."

If it is someone else, I have already used the **** to blow him up. ”

Emperor Beibei hurriedly turned around, did not go to see, or dare not go to see his little daughter-in-law.

After thinking about it, I just walked towards the door and said uncomfortably while walking:

"You, you are finished, I will come again!"

He said that regardless of the reaction of the cloud, he hurried out.

At the beginning of the cloud, I screamed and knew that a certain elder was embarrassed.

This goods can not help but feel the emotion, how does she feel that Xiaobai face is more shy than her? !

Is he too reserved, or is she too... unrestrained?

Of course, this kind of goods is purely a thief, no thief, and it is not a thief. If it is not for the emperor to go out, it is estimated that the goods are now shy like a small shrimp.

Well, it's still cooked.

She put the clothes in a mess, thought about it and took out a mirror and left to take photos, then stinking and talking to herself:

"Hey, this is the big eyes of the gods, the little nose that curls up, and then the delicate little face, hey, how can there be such a beautiful girl in this world?!

No wonder that the little white face is obsessed with me for me, for me to smash the big wall..."

When the goods were being smashed, a certain slammed the door and accidentally heard the thick words she said.

A deity: "..."

A cough coughed twice, and Black Heart Nine returned from narcissism. I thought of the two sentences I just said and laughed twice:

"Then, male god, have you heard nothing?"

The fifth chapter, the remaining three chapters will be updated tomorrow, plus a more chapter. The text of Zhu was copied, so I have been dealing with this matter this afternoon. I am in a bad mood, so I started to code at 10 o'clock in the evening, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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