Chapter 2148 Continuation

The attention of everyone was immediately attracted by the words of the hanging eyes. The lady couldn’t help but squint: "It’s rude! Don’t hurry to the elders?"

Hanging his eyes and licking his mouth, he didn’t even get a home in the heart, but he just squeezed into a small family of third class. What kind of elders? !

However, the purpose of his thoughts had to be pretending to give a tribute to Mrs.

The lady who came was the wife of Pan’s wife, Pan’s, and the hanging eye was Pan’s second son, Zhu Jinghu.

Mrs. Moto and Mrs. Hetian gave a rich meeting, and the gift was very rich. The attitude was better.

Everyone had a cold greeting, and Mo Fangbing blinked a bit and said: "Jinghu cousin, have you seen the grass sister before?"

Hanging eye is Zhu Jinghu’s cold cry: “Fang Bing cousin, I didn’t expect this waste to be your cousin. Last time she was in the thunder city, she and I grabbed the yard, but in the end I gave the yard to me. Shantou, I thought you were dead in the valley of the thunder, I did not expect you to be alive."

At the beginning of the cloud, he gave him a faint look: "Zhu Gongzi, we are all relatives, are you not good at exporting wounds?"

"My relatives? Hey! You are a Mohist..."

"Jinghu! It’s rude!" Pan was afraid that Zhu Jinghu would say something inappropriate, and quickly stopped speaking.

Zhu Jinghu glanced at the beginning of the cloud and did not speak again.

In the heart of the ink, there was no dissatisfaction with Zhu Jinghu. Instead, I felt that it was all the noise of the clouds, and my heart was even more dissatisfied with the beginning of the cloud. However, because of the lack of face and the difficulty of directly driving people out, I had to give Mrs. Tian a look.

Mrs. Tian’s wife said with a smile: “The grass is gimmick, why didn’t you go to your grandfather’s yard today?”

"Tian grandmother, my favorite people are more lively. I have a guest at home today. I want to join in the fun. You won't want to drive me away?" Yun said with a smile.

Mrs. Tian’s face is a bit stiff: “What is this what you said by this little girl? How can I drive you away? I am just afraid that your grandfather will remember you.”

"Tian grandmother, you can rest assured, Grandpa just happened to have something this morning, I will see him again in the afternoon." Sample, want to take me away? no way!

Mrs. Tian’s wife gave me a look at the ink, which means that this face is too thick to catch up!

Pan is very savvy. When he sees it, he guesses some clues. He can't help but feel guilty. The third-class family is not influx, there is no rule, or it is time to get things done and leave here.

"Uncle, aunt, it doesn't matter. I have two things this time. The first thing, Jinghu's wife went away six months ago, so I planned to help him see a girl to continue the string. If the Moh school has a suitable girl, It happens that Jinghu is also in the middle, let's set the marriage.

The second thing, my mother-in-law's body has not been very good, so I finally asked a famous doctor for treatment, but I needed a seven-leaf hollow grass for medicine. Jinghu filial piety, once went to the Thunder Valley to find, but unfortunately, did not find.

I also happened to know that the elders of your house had a chance to get a seven-leaf hollow grass. I wonder if it is still in my hands?

If you are, our Zhu family is willing to pay a high price. If you are not in your hand, please let me know. Pan’s thoughts were repeated, although the words were quite polite, but the posture was high.

Pan's words are obviously forced to mean, and the seven-leaf hollow grass is inevitable. If the Mohist does not hand it out, it will be pressured to listen to it.

(End of this chapter)

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