Chapter 2149

Pan's continuation of the string is nothing but a bargain.

Even if it is a continuous string, it is the continuation of the second-class family, and the first lady did not leave a man and a woman, so this marriage is no different from the right room of the Ming media.

Therefore, in the eyes of many people, it is a good thing to marry Zhu Jinghu to continue the string.

Zhu’s plan is obvious, and that is to intend to let Mo Fangbing marry. She used to have this thing together, but Pan did not see the family's family, and refused directly.

A few days ago, when Mo Junkun was married, Mo Yonghui drank too much and said that he had missed his mouth and said that the elder had a seven-leaf hollow grass in his hand. Zhu felt that this was a perfect opportunity to give Pan. I sent a letter, so Pan came over with Zhu Jinghu.

Although Mo Zhenquan was somewhat unhappy with Pan’s arrogance, he did not go too far. After all, Zhu’s family was a second-class family, and Moh’s family was barely among the third-class families. The strengths of the two families were very different.

Ink said, "Say, let's stay first. I will ask if there is a seven-leaf hollow grass in my hand, and then we will discuss the next thing."

Pan's seeing Mo Yan all said that there is a 90% grasp in my heart. It is estimated that there are seven leaves of hollow grass in the hands of the elders of the Mohist family. This is also good, get the seven leaves of hollow grass will be able to please the mother-in-law's favor, as for the ink of the Fang Fang, although the family is poor, but the qualifications are good, and Jinghu is not the eldest son, the continuation of the candidates is almost OK.

Pan’s politeness, he got up and planned to take Zhu Jinghu to the guest house. Unexpectedly, Zhu Jinghu went to the front of Mofangjiao, so he said: "Fangjiao sister, I am still coming to Fuhucheng for the first time. If you are fine, go out with me!"

All the people in the room were stunned, and the eyes of Mofangbing were all smoldering! This ink Fang Jiao really is a shameless monk, dressed up is to seduce his cousin, it is damn!

Pan's frowns, and Jinghu wants to slap the ink, because only the Mojia big house has seven leaves of hollow grass, not to mention that this ink Fangjiao is a restless, not worthy of marrying Zhu.

"Jinghu, let your ice ice cousin accompany you to go shopping! If the two girls are convenient, they can go with them. If it is inconvenient, it will not be troublesome." Pan’s words are concealed, but the subtext is to let ink Fang Jiao and Yun Chuan are getting out of the way, don't follow them.

Mo Fang Jiao Man wants to marry Zhu Jia, where will let go of such an opportunity, the right did not hear the meaning of Pan, quickly said: "Aunt, I happen to have nothing today, just accompany Jinghu cousin to go shopping. ”

In the beginning of the cloud, the heart licked his mouth again and again. This ink Fang Jiao had a bag in her head. Pan didn’t even look at her, and this is the deal between Zhu Jia and Da Fang. Even if she is happy, she will not marry her. She is active. What kind of strength?

However, the favorite thing about this product is the hurricane igniting, and the fish touched the fish, so she echoed on the side: "Yes, I have nothing to do, let's go! Just can dispel the misunderstanding between me and Zhu Gongzi."

The hands inside the ink sleeves of Mofang ice are tightly tied together, Mo Fangjiao, Mofangcao, two monks, I can't spare you!

Zhu Jinghu is proud of himself. Of course, he knows that Pan’s wants him to sip Mofangbing, but he feels that Mofang’s icy ice is really not interesting. It’s not as good as that, it looks more pleasing to the eye. As for the ink grass, it will follow, just when the time comes to pick up and pack her!

The fifth is more. The remaining three chapters will be updated at noon, and a more chapter will be added.

(End of this chapter)

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