Chapter 2153 is pleasing to the eye

"What do you need me to do?" Mo Fangbing decided to gamble, and gambling won will win a new world. If the gambling loses, the worst result is that he has lost his marriage contract. It is no pity to marry Zhu Jinghu. of.

At the beginning of the cloud, he whispered a few words. Mo Fangbing nodded. "Well, I can cooperate with you, but you have to swear, otherwise I will not believe you."

"Okay, okay! People, is the lack of trust, I am a deceiving person?! Heaven is on, if I deceive Fang Bing sister, let me be killed by Tianlei! Fang Bing sister, Is it ok now?" said Yun Xiaoxiao.

Mo Fangbing saw the poisonous oath in the beginning of the cloud, and this is reassuring, and I don't know if it is an illusion. Now, watching the cloud is more pleasing than before, it seems that it is not so annoying.

The two chatted for a while and the first time they got up, they got up and went to the courtyard of the elders.

"Great old man, I am coming!" The cloud has not arrived yet, and the voice is here.

Others thought that the first thing in the cloud was because the temper jumped off. In fact, the goods had their own small ninety-nine. When she shouted, she gave a hint to the people inside the house, so as not to see or hear any secrets.

When the elders saw the beginning of the cloud, they couldn't help but have a face: "You little girl, why didn't you come over yesterday afternoon?"

At the beginning of the cloud, I am happy: "I am thinking about coming over, but I know that you will discuss the things of Zhu with your grandfather, so I didn't come over."

The elders’ eyes flashed: “What do you think is the result of our discussion?”

At the beginning of the cloud, I thought about it: "The old man, I said yes, but if you want to say something offensive, don't blame me."

"You are a little girl with a monkey, you say, don't blame you." The elders smiled.

"Grandpa, I think the grandfather's opinion is definitely to let you hand over the seven-leaf hollow grass, and marry Fang Bing sister. And you, it is estimated that you have not thought about doing this, so what you are using now is Dragging the word, I haven’t answered Pan’s yet. Isn’t it right?” Yun Yunyi said, and asked his elders with his head.

The elders were undecided, but asked: "Why do you hesitate?"

"Grandpa, the average person will naturally feel that this is a good thing. After all, the seven-leaf hollow grass is precious, but compared with the family of Zhu, it is nothing. But who are you? You are the most intelligent When you are a family member, you want to be natural in the long run.

These two things seem to be good, but it is a disaster to think about it.

Let me talk about this marriage. Originally, Fang Bing’s family is not as good as Zhu’s other daughter-in-law, plus she is a sequel, and her character is cold and proud of her in-laws and her husband’s favor, and she will naturally be bullied.

Fang Bing’s sister came back and cried, can the girl’s family watch it? I will definitely negotiate with Zhu, but Zhu’s family is too big to ask for anything. The relationship between the two will naturally deteriorate over time. In the end, the family will become enemies.

Besides, the Zhu Jinghu is not a good thing at all. Maybe someday it will be killed by people. When Fang Bingjie will carry a reputation of Kefu, what are the other girls in Moh? Married?

This is a good thing for the family. The most terrible thing is the seven-leaf hollow grass.

I don't know which one is blind to telling Zhu, this is a disaster!

Zhu’s search for the seven-leaf hollow grass should not be a day and a half. When they arrive, they will feel that your grandfather has no seven leaves of hollow grass in your hand but does not offer it. It is really uninteresting!

Moreover, irresponsible to say, the Lang who is looking for Zhu does not know that it is not reliable. If he uses his medicine, Mrs. Zhu’s wife will die and she will be angry and will be angered to our Mohist family. At the time, it’s really a curse! ”

The ninth. Continue in the early hours.

(End of this chapter)

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